OFFICIAL Welcome Post for Thyaeria and Tales of Demons & Gods!

Hey guys, so we had the soft rollout a few hours ago.  After  about 4-5 hours of sleep, I climbed up and finished the rest, putting together a provisional index, next chapter links, etc., and so now, I'm very delighted to OFFICIALLY welcome Thyaeria and Tales of Demons & Gods (妖神记) to Wuxiaworld!  A hearty Wuxiaworld welcome to Thyaeria!  Welcome, welcome!  :D :D :D

For older TDG readers, everything will be the same as before, with a minor exception; previously, Thyaeria had been doing only 1 regular chapter a week, and doing bonus chapters for $45/each.  Because everyone at Wuxiaworld usually does at least 3 regular chapters a week, I convinced Thyaeria to up the regular chapters to 3 as well, but to make up for that, the bonus chapters will be changed to $60 each.  The 10 chapters already in the queue will be 'grandfathered' in at the original price, and so I put in the queue as '$600', even though the actual donated amount was '$450'.  Just wanted to be completely open and transparent about this.

OK, now I'm off to get some more REM cycles, then will start on my two CD chapters and 1-2 DE chapters for today.  See y'all!
