Chapter 27: Indiscriminate Slaughter

The python's monstrous jaws clamped around Pang Jian in a dark corner at the bottom of the pond.

Its body stiffened as the strange heat paralyzed it, and the soul of the Giant Abyssal Serpent in the python's body felt a powerful sealing force. 

Within the depths of the python's black eyes were thousands of spirit snakes, as slender as strands of hair. A sea of blazing light gradually engulfed them. Each of these black spirit snakes was a strand of the Giant Abyssal Serpent's beast soul, which was undergoing rapid dissolution and refinement. 

An overpowering, enigmatic force ensnared the Giant Abyssal Serpent's beast soul. It could not escape. 

It could only voice its sorrowful pleas through the cries of its beast soul. 

An unknown amount of time passed. For the Giant Abyssal Serpent, it simultaneously felt like a fleeting moment and an eternity before its fragmented beast soul finally stopped being refined. 

It then overheard as Pang Jian thought to himself, The venomous fangs of this python don't seem particularly sharp.

The Giant Abyssal Serpent then sensed the young man in its mouth pushing it away. 

Staring at the young man with eyes full of pain and remorse, it found Pang Jian sizing it up as various thoughts sprouted in the depths of the young man's heart. 

It could not hear thoughts unrelated to itself, but it heard clearly when Pang Jian sought to exploit it. 

Things would go much more smoothly if I could ride this python into battle.

Pang Jian's thoughts caused the Giant Abyssal Serpent to grow furious. However, it could not do anything as it sensed its beast soul once again undergoing refinement. 

The Giant Abyssal Serpent fell into a panic. 

As it stared at the bronze pendant hanging from the Pang Jian's neck, the Giant Abyssal Serpent suddenly had a moment of revelation. It took the initiative to approach Pang Jian with a glimmer of hope. 

The Giant Abyssal Serpent forcefully maneuvered its neck between Pang Jian's legs and willingly took the role of his mount.

This is merely a body I've inhabited. It won't diminish my dignity, the Giant Abyssal Serpent reassured itself. 

It quickly realized that, by meeting Pang Jian's expectations, not only was its beast soul no longer undergoing refinement, but some of the previously missing portions of its beast soul were also returning. 

Its spirit was significantly uplifted. As long as it followed Pang Jian's instructions and willingly cooperated with him, it could restore its beast soul! 

The Giant Abyssal Serpent attempted to communicate with Pang Jian, seeking further instructions but soon realized that Pang Jian could not hear its thoughts. 

Furthermore, it could only passively sense the thoughts Pang Jian had that were related to itself. The Giant Abyssal Serpent felt as though an invisible set of eyes were constantly watching it, ensuring it did not delve into anything unrelated to it. 

Having lost parts of its beast soul, the Giant Abyssal Serpent had also lost many crucial memories and did not understand why it harbored such hostility toward Pang Jian. 

It only vaguely recalled that the bronze pendant hanging from Pang Jian's neck was the most terrifying thing in the world. 

To the Giant Abyssal Serpent, that object symbolized supreme authority, never to be profaned.


How strange.

Pang Jian stared in bewilderment as the very creature that had sought to bite him to death now approached him willingly and lifted him onto its neck. 

The python's bite had left a few bloody punctures on Pang Jian's back, but miraculously, his bones remained unbroken. Even the bloody wounds rapidly closed after bleeding for a while. 

He could not fathom why the cunning python would suddenly become so docile and compliant. 

This was especially given that the beast soul inhabiting the python's body did not belong to Hong Tai's Spirit Beast, but rather to the ominous creature concealed within Blackwater Pond.

Gazing at the massive carcass of the giant serpent that spanned several tens of meters, Pang Jian found himself increasingly baffled by the inexplicable presence of the Giant Abyssal Serpent that had materialized in the form of the small black snake.

I should join the battle. 

The moment the thought crossed Pang Jian's mind, the python promptly carried him toward the bone of the Celestial Phoenix. 

Pang Jian was taken aback. Unable to speak underwater, he mentally exclaimed, Not now!

The python abruptly came to a halt. 

Pang Jian's expression morphed into one of incomparable astonishment. He attempted to probe with his mind, seeking to direct the now-docile python to change its course. 

The python moved in perfect accordance with his thoughts, acting as if it were an extension of his own body. 

This python can sense my thoughts. It's truly extraordinary, deserving of its status as a Spirit Beast. However, Zhou Qingchen and Han Duping never mentioned that Spirit Beasts could sense human thoughts, 

Still perplexed, Pang Jian continued to probe the python and eventually confirmed the Giant Abyssal Serpent inhabiting the python's body was fully obedient to his commands.

However, Pang Jian could not help but feel it was a pity he could not comprehend the python's thoughts. He wanted to know why it had been at the bottom of the pond and why it now followed his commands.

Regardless, his confidence in joining the battle grew stronger now that he had the python's assistance.

The mysteries surrounding the bone of the Celestial Phoenix likely caused the changes in my body. I might as well try my luck.

Pang Jian did not immediately ride the python into the battle. Instead, he opted to remain in the shadows and closely observed the battle happening around the bone of the Celestial Phoenix, biding his time for the opportune moment to make his move.


Also at the bottom of the pond was the still-bound Ning Yao.

She puffed out her cheeks as she alternated between watching Hong Tai and the three Meridian Opening Realm cultivators besiege the renowned weakling of the Ouyang Clan and gazing in the direction where the python had vanished. 

She had seen Pang Jian swimming toward a shadowed area near the rocky wall after he had waved goodbye to her. 

The python Hong Tai had instructed to find Pang Jian, also swam toward that area, evidently pinpointing Pang Jian's hiding spot.

But why is it taking so long? 

Ning Yao felt deeply humiliated by Pang Jian and harbored intense hatred toward him. Thus, she eagerly anticipated seeing the python tear him to shreds. 

However, despite her long wait, the python had yet to reappear.

Even though Hong Tai and the others were no longer concerned about her, Ning Yao still did not dare to move around too much to maintain her oxygen for longer. While she was in the Meridian Opening Realm, the fact remained that the more she struggled, the faster her breath would run out. 

If that happened, she would not last long.


The enchanting woman stood on the very top of the Celestial Phoenix's bone. After hesitating for a long time, she could no longer bear it. 

"Go down and become my eyes. Let me see what's happening at the bottom of the pond," she commanded, hand moving gracefully amidst a thin veil of bloody mist. The Qi Practicing Realm members of the Shadow Specter Sect inhabited by her Spirit Devils jumped into the pond one after the other. 

As each of them plunged into the water, the events at the bottom of the pond unfolded in her mind like a vivid and complete panorama, depicted from multiple perspectives. 

The skull of the Giant Abyssal Serpent pierced by the bone of the Celestial Phoenix; the ongoing battle surrounding it; the inhuman Ouyang Duanhai; Hong Tai and Jin Yang's repeated glances at the essence of the Celestial Phoenix shining within the bone; and Ning Yao's continuous fixation with a dark corner of the pond. 

She took in all these details. 

However, she remained unsatisfied. 

She instructed the Spirit Devils to spread out and search for those responsible for raising the Giant Abyssal Serpent in Blackwater Pond. 

Finally, one of the members of the Shadow Specter Sect inhabited by Spirit Devils made his way toward the dark area Ning Yao had been staring at. 

I didn't even partake in the skirmish between Hong Tai's group and the strange figure and now these Qi Practicing Realm cultivators dare to seek me out underwater. They're truly courting death. Pang Jian snorted coldly.

He glanced back at the stone door, left barely ajar, and silently noted its position.

Accompany me to kill those bastards! With that thought, the Giant Abyssal Serpent rushed out from the darkness!

The inhabited python was the most agile creature at the bottom of the pond. The inhabited members of the Shadow Specter Sect remained oblivious as it silently charged forward.


Pang Jian thrust his long spear forward, piercing the forehead of a Qi Practicing Realm member of the Shadow Specter Sect. 

The Giant Abyssal Serpent was laboring diligently under Pang Jian's directives to restore its beast soul. However, it was shocked to discover a soul nestled within the person's forehead, presenting it with something to feast on. 

In the depths of its dark serpent eyes, two abyssal pools akin to Blackwater Pond emerged, whirlpools quietly forming within their waters. 

The abyssal whirlpools within the python's eyes drew the shadowy soul from the person's forehead. 

The shadowy soul disappeared into the Giant Abyssal Serpent's eyes. 

I swore to avenge you, Brother Zhou. I will naturally make use of this opportunity to eliminate those involved in the assault.

Having dispatched the member of the Shadow Specter Sect with a single thrust of his spear, Pang Jian shifted his focus to his next target, unaware the souls of these members now existed in another world. 

As the Qi Nurturing Divine Cauldron Art was inactive, he did not notice the Giant Abyssal Serpent consuming the Spirit Devils. 

Onward to the next target!

Killing intent surged through Pang Jian. The Giant Abyssal Serpent beneath him eagerly complied. 

The Giant Abyssal Serpent used the fragile body it now inhabited to carry Pang Jian through the water. 

Pang Jian repeatedly thrust out his Dragonwood Spear, and the members of the Shadow Specter Sect inhabited by Spirit Devils met their demise one after another.

Seated upright in the silver net, Ning Yao watched uncomprehendingly as Pang Jian wielded the Dragonwood Spear and mercilessly slaughtered the Qi Practicing Realm members of the Shadow Specter Sect from atop Hong Tai's Spirit Beast.

Ning Yao's beautiful eyes were filled with a sense of incredulity. She felt like she was trapped in a nightmare.

Shrouded in a thin bloody mist atop the bone of the Celestial Phoenix, the enchanting figure stamped her feet as she cursed, "Damn you! You've blinded all my eyes!"


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