Chapter 223 (Teaser)

The blade gently sliced through the once impenetrable bark, reaching deep into the heart of the tree, which had been steeped in poison for centuries. At the same moment, Leonard mustered all the strength of the Azure Dragon Qi within him. 

Eastern God Style

Authority Nullification Technique

Rightful Return 

Leonard had long awaited this moment, ever since he had briefly purified the Wraith King of Decay, Cybele. Unlike the fickle Wraith King, who, despite temporary purification, would always fall back into depravation due to the endless corruption supplied by Yggdrasil, this was different.

The true source of the contamination came directly from Nidhogg, who had sunk its fangs into Yggdrasil’s roots, poisoning her from her foundation to her very heart. Yet, despite being afflicted with the poison of an Outer God, the World Tree had never lost her sense of purpose. She had endured, cutting off contact with other dimensions. 

Leonard placed his trust in that strength.

If I succeed, even if just for a moment, the World Tree might regain her sanity.

The lightning that surged from Leonard’s Mindscape coursed down his sword, lashing out at the poison festering within the tree’s heart. Under normal circumstances,...

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