Chapter 602. The Formless Monster (Teaser)


Princess Jadeflower felt an eerie dissonance between her feather-light body and her newfound strength, which made cracks on the ground with every step she took.

"Ugh... Ugh!"

"Oh... Princess Jadeflower!"

Unable to control her power, she stumbled and fell while dashing through the forest.

"Ugh..." She groaned and grimaced as she got up, but her face quickly turned gloomy as soon as she saw her dirt-covered hands. 

"Are you okay, Princess?" asked Kwak Mi-Young, who had hurried over to Su-Yoon’s side to help her get back on her feet.

But a weak nod was all Su-Yoon could manage to give in response.

"I haven't even gotten a scratch. It seems my body has truly become stronger... It's surprising."

"It's probably due to the soup we consumed."

When she had eaten that ghastly thing, she had thought it was an attempt to poison her. However, running through the forest made her realize the effects were completely different from what she had anticipated. Princess Jadeflower, who had only ever dealt with books and diplomacy, and never ran or wielded a sword herself, had discovered that she could now leap and tumble meters without any difficulty and without a single injury.

"I can't deny it. Aside from its taste, that terrible thing is truly remarkable."

"I'll carry you."

"No. I can’t let myself hold you back any further....

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