Chapter 191 - Spiritual Arts Hall (Teaser)

Chapter 191 - Spiritual Arts Hall

When morning arrived the next day, both Mu Chen and Luo Li left the freshmen area, and headed towards the Northern Heavens Spiritual Academy. After all, today was the day that they’d select Spiritual Arts from the Spiritual Arts Hall.

Mu Chen was deeply moved and passionate about when it came to the Spiritual Arts Hall. To a certain extent, the Northern Heavens Spiritual Academy was considerably stricter than the Northern Spiritual Academy. At this place, there were things known as free Spiritual Arts that one was able to learn. If one wanted to obtain a powerful Spiritual Arts, they could only obtain it by exchanging for it with Spiritual Value.

Every single student within the Northern Heavens Spiritual Academy would constantly work hard to obtain Spiritual Value. This was because the effects of one’s cultivation would be greatly reduced if one didn’t have Spiritual Values.

The Spiritual Arts Hall was a place where students would drool even more so about entering. However, not everyone was able to enter this place freely. Only the outstanding students, those who had obtained an award from the Northern Heavens Spiritual...

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