Chapter 190 – Su Xuan, He Yao (Teaser)

Chapter 190 – Su Xuan, He Yao

Mu Chen stared at the sparkling Spirit Ranking in the sky, above the lake, and smiled. He immediately grabbed onto his Spiritual Values Card and noticed that it had increased by a total of 100,000 Spiritual Values. Including the 400,000 Spiritual Values that he had obtained during the Freshman Competition, he had saved up approximately 500,000 Spiritual Values. This was considered to be a decent amount of Spiritual Values. However, it was still far far away from the Northern Sea Dragon's Blood Essence…

Mu Chen curled his lips helplessly. Last time, when he had taken the Rank 3 position of the Spirit Ranking, he had caused Mo Lun to appear. Yet this time, he had taken the Rank 1 position…Who knows what troubles would await him?

However, there was no helping it as it involved Spiritual Values. Who told the Nine Netherbird to keep bugging him about it...

Near the lake, the freshmen witnessed this scene with a burning passion. They stared at the name on the Rank 1 position of the Spirit Ranking and felt their blood boil. If in the future, they were able to leave their name on the ranking, it would definitely be something that they could be proud...

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