Chapter 181 – Mu Chen VS Yang Hong (Teaser)

Chapter 181 – Mu Chen VS Yang Hong


In the sky, two powerful Spiritual Energies surged out and collided with each other. When these two energies made contact with each other, it was as if the lightning within the clouds had collided with each other. Deep sounds echoed out. This tense atmosphere even made the airflow stop completely.

Numerous gazes had concentrated at the summit of the mountain. All of them were breathless as they waited in anticipation. The atmosphere at that location was extremely tense and was about to break out.

Within the quiet skies, a furious wind suddenly blew and the forest began to sway. From afar, it seemed as if a green wave had appeared within the mountain.

However, once the wind had faded away, Mu Chen and Yang Hong’s eyes had turned completely serious and a hint of sharpness emanated from them. Both of them rushed out at the same time towards each other. Their Spiritual Energies had turned into a majestic torrent as they soared through the sky before fiercely colliding with each other.

A dazzling sound reverberated out. From the collision between Spiritual...

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