Chapter 141 – Bloodline Bond (Teaser)

Chapter 141 – Bloodline Bond

“Bloodline Bond?”

Mu Chen seemed  slightly stunned as he repeated these words slowly back to himself. Then, his eyes sparkled as he looked at the Nine Netherbird and asked: “What’s that?”

“It’s something that only a member of an ancient Divine Beast’s lineage can do. Simply put, it uses a special technique to link our bloodlines together.”

“A benefit is that you will possess my abilities. This is a higher ranked method of obtaining a Spiritual Beast’s abilities compared to simply ingesting the Soul Essence.”

A faint thought was conveyed over by the Nine Netherbird: “The disadvantage of this is that we will form a tight connection with each other. If you were to die, I would die as well. Similarly, if I die, you will die as well.”

Mu Chen froze immediately and smiled bitterly: “Isn’t this quite vicious?”

“Stop pretending. Although humans are able to increase their lifespan through cultivation, but based on an ordinary death, you are the ones that would definitely die first unless you somehow managed to cultivate to an extremely high level.” The Nine Netherbird said disdainfully.

“And you think that I’m willing to form a Bloodline Bond with an insect-like human? The Nine Netherbird possesses the bloodline of the ancient Undying Bird. Compared to everything about you, it is many times more noble!”

“You don’t...

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