Chapter 839: Transfer (Teaser)

Ancestor Mojiang’s gaze turned fervent. That was it—that was the Arrow Progenitor’s arrow just now! During the ancient era, when the two Mainlands had fought, the Arrow Progenitor had fallen within the Fifth Mainland’s Daosource Sect, and they had left their inheritance behind in the Daosource Sect's ruins. When the Arrow Progenitor had fought against the Fifth Mainland in that ancient war, he had loosed many arrows, and the arrow just now had been one of them. As long as Ancestor Mojiang could get his hands on that arrow, he would be able to use it as a guide to search for the Arrow Progenitor’s inheritance that was hidden within the Daosource Sect's ruins. 

Ancestor Mojiang acted immediately, and he reached out towards the Arrow Mountain Elder.

Yuan Shi’s response was even faster, as he had already sensed that Ancestor Mojiang was up to something. He naturally moved to stop the Imprinter. 

“Destroy the Greatwood Lavazone!” Ancestor Mojiang ordered. 

Yan Cheng’s face went pale, as he had been severely injured just now. If that arrow had deviated by even the slightest bit, it might have actually pierced through his heart and instantly killed him. In reality, it had nicked his heart, but it had not destroyed the crucial part that sustained him. 

His heart could recover, but if that one part was damaged, then Yan Cheng would be doomed.

He had wanted to withdraw due to his injury, but Ancestor Mojiang was determined to destroy the Greatwood Lavazone. Thus, Yan Cheng could...

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