Star Odyssey

Star Odyssey

156 Reviews
Along With The Wind (随散飘风)
In the vast expanse of the cosmos, where ancient powers vie for dominance and forgotten realms hold secrets beyond imagination, Lu Yin, a young cultivator unaware of his true lineage, embarks on a path of cultivation that defies the heavens. Though he comes from the powerful Lu family, this truth remains hidden from him as he navigates treacherous sects, immortal clans, and cosmic empires. Unraveling his destiny, he discovers that his fate could either unite the universe or plunge it into eternal chaos. In a world where strength reigns supreme, will Lu Yin rise to reshape the heavens or become a pawn in the cosmic game?
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Original blurb: A blade and a corpse on the ground. When humans first stepped foot on Neptune in the year 2200, they unlocked a vast and boundless universe ruled by different families, filled with magnificent battle techniques and ten arbiters who controlled it all!

156 Reviews
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4 years ago
Not recommended
For a while i struggled to review this novel, since i really liked it at some point and tried to ignore all the glaring shit tier points, but at one point i dropped it and have no intention to continue for now.

I have read until ch453.

Its been about month or more since i dropped it, but decided to write the review finally. Lets start with the bad, since it is actually way more apparent after all the pink glasses have been taken off. This will be a long review, so be warned! Some minor spoilers.

1)Science-cultivation mix. This novel felt unique with this mesh of genres, but soon enough all the "technologies" and "science stuff" just become a plot device and work only how and when author wants them to work (from logic standpoint). Millions of galaxies with intergalaxy ships, lasers and similar scy-fy stuff? Lets make it so communication/basic recording is never used when it could have solved most god damn problems mc experiences. Thats just one example, but similar things, were tech is not used just to force some plot development.

Technology itself is so bland and boring. Take your typical ancient history setting with scrolls, horse riding, ambushes, dungeons/events, tournaments (ouh god .. they are so many), but mask them behind technological words without any logical sense. Scrolls = wrist pc; horse riding=ship auto pilot flying; local dungeons/story events=local dungeons/story events, but on other planet (different planet or same planet, doesnt change anything); local towns/countries/empires tournaments=planet tournaments, region tournaments/ galaxy tournaments and so on and on ... Literally take any shitty cultivation novel, exchange those things scy-fy language words and you have cultivation/scy-fy novel just like this.

2) Author is ether lazy/doesnt care or his knowledge about how space works are below primary grade. I literally had to make it make sense by MYSELF using Star Wars universe logic just get through some (many tbh) of the plot developments, because author does not do himself. In Star Wars universe is travelled in set paths to avoid space storms, anomalies, black holes etc. These panths/roads are charted and no one travels outside of them, that is why it makes sense and you are able to block off/intercept someone. That is why you only need to block of just specific part of planet were incoming/outgoing ships and traveling (ignore sequels, they dont exist).

THIS is not explained in this novel, but for some reason in vast, vast, VAST multi-universes (big understatement, the size of it is ridiculous; there are specific names how author categorizes them, but for new reader they wont make sense: trillions of trillions of galaxies ... yes ... galaxies) MC can just stumble up on his benefactors enemies who want to kill him. He can stumble up on on friends, enemies like some traveller in small village. He can drift in EMPTY space and see dozens of ships fly by ... he can even catches a ship flying AT PRECISE LOCATION were he is drifting randomly ... in whole empty fucking space .... like, what?????

Author literally thinks of space as FLAT. Everyone moves in one direction. Ship chases/battles are JOKE. You can move in any direction for fuck sake, but nooooo, lets just everyone move in 1 direction like on road and you can be blocked from moving further, you can jump ... yes ... jump between flying spaceships. THATS NOT HOW FUCKING FLYING WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Than there are seas, blobs of water .. roads (????) .. in space ... like wtf? :DDDD

And all these are just few examples ... it has lots of it.

3) Plot .. yeah .. large chunk of it make no sense again or are hypocritical. The biggest offender is "backing" thing. By that i mean, your typical young master has his older uncle as backer, than branch sect, than main sect, than school, you get it. If mc enemy, friend or some nobody gets in trouble, suddenly you cant harm them too much, you have to be careful and respectful or their backers will know and "we" cant offend them or they will get revenge bla bla bla (you know, the typical cliché bulshit), but when MC has literally x10 the amount of backers, stronger ones AND well known personal tournament/war/race achievements, suddenly "no one will find out", " I can handle the backlash", "they wont dare to cause war with us over him" ... When MC gets one the BIGGEST and BADASS backer (until that point in known story), he CANT rely on them or get any fundamental help (money, info, logistics .. anything), because "there may be someone who doesnt like them", "I may get in trouble" ... while everyone else can do what the fuck they want without fear. MC keeps whining like little bitch, that he has to do everything alone and rarely anyone helps him while he has some of the biggest organization in story as backers were even one of them would be enough for anyone else to feel safe.

4) Powers. MC always has to hide some parts of his power in public of fear someone might try to kill him over them, while in meantime dozen of enemies, friends, acquaintances have far stronger/op "skills" (from looks of it if) and they can freely use them and get praised as "strongest"/"best"/"no one can compare to them" because of point 3. mentioned above. The cultivation system itself was very vague at start and took a long while to make some sense ...

Than there is STUPID bulshit in regards to fake, illogical and unfair friend/acquaintance power ups. MC goes through large amounts of lucky chances, experiences many life-altering events, trains under best of the best in best places ever (he has option at least), but than comes his few "friends" from 400ch ago who under some local "lord" without going anywhere are as strong as him ... what? WHAT???????????????? Yeah ... no ... just no.

5) Tournaments .... so .. many ... tournaments and every fucking time mc gets some achievements in them, when he goes somewhere locals call it "obviously fake", "most likely rigged", "nothing special" (some nobodies referring to fights by strongest young generations in whole story). When local schools/countries/empires strongest young student/prince etc comes, he/she is praised as genius and unapparelled ... when MC rolls nearby, he is scuffed at and no one respects because of reasons above.

6) Romance is borderline pathetic and almost disgusting. Author seems like he has never been in relationship before so doesnt know how to write it. He writes, that MC has very "natural" and "common" male possessiveness. Every women he meets and has positive relationship with him automatically belong to him and he wont LET THEM go out with anyone else even if he himself doesnt like them or has no intention to go out with them. He LITERALLY thinks to himself towards his 2 "fake fiancées", that he doesnt like them and will not go out/marry them, BUT he will also will not tolerate them finding someone else because he has "very NaTuRaL male instinctive possessiveness". Even when he finds his "TrUe" love (also in stupid way), he will not "aLlOw" them be with anyone but him ... even if he doesnt want to be with them .... Does THIS sound like healthy romance? Hack, even basic harem would be better than this SHIT.

7) The premise/atmosphere of story changes few times. It starts as horror setting with some horror elements and HIGH Chinese propaganda, than to some space exploration/mystery, than to bland cultivation with mix of blatant ER GEN element copying.

There are lots of bad parts, but it should be enough.

Now the good parts ... hard to write those when bad ones are so bad, that they stick in your memory better then some avg or nothing to write home about stuff written.

Environments are interesting and diverse. Some plot situations are very unique and interesting. Fights are not too long or too short. The ass kicking is satisfying. The power ups (if you ignore the bad parts said before) get you exited when they are partially reveal to public. MC has some brain and can use it sometimes.

Might update if i think of anything else.

Monee Mo
5 years ago
This is my first ever review on Wuxiaworld and I have been a regular here for quite some time (years). So far this is the first novel that has compelled me to leave a review. I can't really put in words why I like it so much, it's just that feeling of hitting a gold mine, nevertheless I'll try my best

The general concept is somewhat unique and the story progression just leaves you thirsting for more. It is fast paced and things are happening quickly but it doesnt dissorient you or take anything away from the reading experience, it's just about right. There have been little to none of the regular cliches, in fact some of them are reversed which is just really refreshing.

UPDATE: It kinda goes downhill somewhat after a few chapters and chapter 60 is just horrible! Hopefully it picks up again...

5 years ago
Not recommended
Very interesting premise and it is off to a very exciting start. Looks like it will include a combination of sci-fi and cultivation that has been blended very smoothly. We haven't seen too much (as of ch 15) alien tech or weaponry other than the MC's staff. I can't wait to keep reading!

Update from a couple thousand chapters in I think this is easily one of the best novels on the site.

Update from about 3000 chapters in, my enthusiasm for this novel has largely died. Essentially every chapter has plot holes or opens up questions about the events at the beginning of the novel. The cultivation also feels significantly less thought out and significant to the story. Technology that I used to be able to ignore because it played a relatively minor role is just instantly powered up and is always perfect to fit the MC's current required power level. Resources are unlimited and production is instantaneous. Still reading and the early part is still fantastic in my opinion, not really sure what happened to cause such a quality drop.

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