Chapter 836: This Is Fate (Teaser)

Countless people were stunned. Just a single exchange had resulted in an Enlighter’s death. How was that possible?

No matter if they were human cultivators from the Fifth or Sixth Mainland or androids from the Technocracy, everyone who saw this scene was astonished. In fact, they even momentarily forgot that they were on a battlefield. 

Lu Yin had indeed killed Enlighters in the past, but it had always been blatantly obvious that he had relied on foreign objects to do so, such as his gun. This time, however, he had killed an Enlighter in a direct confrontation. 

From the perspective of outsiders, Lu Yin had directly exchanged blows with an Enlighter and then crushed them. His universal armor and bracer were both seen as defensive items rather than offensive ones. 

Only Lu Yin knew that his bracer allowed him to double his physical strength, and that it was actually his bracer that was the most decisive strike. When he exploded with his full physical might with the bracer, even Sall Phoenix, who was a peak expert with a power level close to 300,000, would be shocked, let alone this cultivator who had just stepped into the Enlighter realm. 

To the other defenders, they were naturally suppressed by the Sixth Mainland cultivators. However, that suppression didn’t exist for Lu Yin. In his eyes, this person’s battle strength had not even been comparable to Cai Jianqiang or Aden’s, and he had been one of the weakest Enlighters who Lu Yin had ever met. Even if the Enlighter had an imprint from Elder Autumnfrost,...

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