Chapter 3423: Arrival (Teaser)

The two quickly retrieved a kitten from an abandoned box that they had hidden in a secluded corner of Beacon City. It was an incredibly adorable little cat.

Yi Yao happily cradled the kitten. “Little Yao, did you miss your big sister?”

Ba Liu grinned happily. “After you left several days ago, Little Yao stopped eating and drinking. I had to promise that I’d bring you back before it was willing to eat again.”

“It’s a good thing that we didn’t take it with us to that fight. It would’ve died for sure.”

“I know. Still, if it hadn’t been absolutely necessary, I wouldn’t have hidden them here. If we had escaped to the Consciousness Megaverse, it would have had no choice but to live as a stray. We’ve failed it.”

From Boundless, Lu Yin was staring at the corner of Beacon City. Is that… a conscient from the Consciousness Megaverse?

The kitten was a tiny conscient from the Consciousness Megaverse.

Had cultivators from the Spirit Nidus adopted a conscient? This was interesting.

Progenitor Xi arrived and noticed the scene as well, but she showed a great deal of surprise. “They’ve actually adopted a conscient.”

“Is that not allowed?”

“It’s strictly forbidden in the Spirit Nidus.”

Lu Yin arched a brow. “Does the Spirit Nidus have that many restrictions? It seems like just about everything is forbidden.”

Progenitor Xi offered a wry smile. “Once someone breaks a rule, they usually...

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