Chapter 1728: Transformation (Teaser)

Lu Yin was completely stunned at Kui Luo’s comment; just what did this mean?

"Your memory’s disappeared, your bloodline’s been sealed, your foundation has been reformed, and your innate gifts were returned to the beginning. You have essentially started over with a new life. You are Lu Yin while Lu Xiaoxuan is Lu Xiaoxuan. Back when Lu Xiaoxuan had already created the Heaven-Shattering Palm, which later became one of the Lu family’s unique battle techniques. This technique is so profound that its creation caused Progenitor Lu to appear. This is not something that you are capable of doing right now," Kui Luo explained.

It was strange to be compared to himself, but Lu Yin had truly become Lu Yin. Still, he was not convinced by Kui Luo’s words. "Are you saying that I can't compare to my past self, when Lu Xiaoxuan was at the same age that I am now?"

"I don't know about that, but you can't compare to Lu Xiaoxuan. Your cultivation is too diverse and messy. Consider this carefully: do you have any techniques that you have created by yourself?"

Lu Yin was taken aback, and his head dropped down as he started to review everything he had learned and mastered. He actually had not made a single technique on his own. It was true that he was very powerful, but his strength relied entirely on his predecessors, including his lockbreaking techniques, spiritual force, and battle force.

"Lu Xiaoxuan followed the orthodox methods of the Lu family and trained...

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