Chapter 240: Three Demon Drillmasters? (Teaser)

Chapter 240: Three Demon Drillmasters?

As the two figures entered the tour bus, every ARC student’s eyes popped wide. The reason for their astonishment was simple: their masks were golden as well.

Beyond that the two were of similar height and build to their Drillmaster, with only slight differences visible. In fact, only their flight suits differentiated them.

Their drillmaster had split himself in three?

Tan Lingyun was not spared the jolt. Two more with golden masks – could this mean they were also God-ranked pilots? When did they become a dime a dozen?

Lan Jue’s deep voice filled the bus’ interior. “These two gentlemen will also be your Drillmasters for the near future. You may refer to them as you refer to me.”

“Hello, Drillmasters!” the students cried.

The red-haired one was obviously Chu Cheng, and the blue-haired one Hua Li. The masks ensured neither need be concerned about their true identity, which was especially important for Hua Li. The two of them nodded in response to the greeting, but said nothing. For Chu Cheng, this was largely...

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