Chapter 162: Girly Music (Teaser)
Chapter 162: Girly Music
The swelling of Chu Cheng’s face had gone down, and was back to normal. He followed Hua Li, rubbing his face as though it still hurt.
“Too rough, A-Jue, jeez. You’ve been planning this for a while, I’ll bet.”
Lan Jue shot him a glance. “Premeditated, no, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t wanted to stomp your face for at least a few days.”
Chu Cheng flipped him the bird, then tried to glare a hole in to the fat young man to one side. “Hey fat-ass, I’ll remember this. Did your good-for-nothing teacher train you with that loud mouth?”
Tang Xiao’s reply was quiet, timid. “Professor Lan didn’t teach me that, I came up with it myself after some research. I believe we should stop at nothing when in the heat of battle, anything it takes to win. The process isn’t important, just the result. Please don’t be upset, teacher! I’m just trying to be self-directed.”
Chu Cheng snorted, hard. Hua Li took up the conversation, his own voice betraying displeasure. “So have you shared this little story of yours with your Professor?”
Tang Xiao blushed at the accusation. “The first time we fought I did. He beat me pretty badly....

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