Chapter 111: Gobi Entertainment (Teaser)

Chapter 111: Gobi Entertainment

“We had a teacher who commanded thunderbolts. Why have another who called the rain?”

-Memoires of the Metal Fox, Army General Tang Xiao

“More cruel than beating someone half to death, is curing them afterward and beating them again. A fist for hello and a fist for goodbye, over and over again.”

-Memoirs of the Frenzied Lion Mastiff, Army General Jin Tao

Lan Jue and Hua Li idly strode along the wide avenue cutting through the campus’ yard. The smile on Lan Jue’s face was a sinister one, and the expression in Hua Li’s eyes was one of joy and contentment.

“It was indeed a good time for me to come. I don’t even know how long it’s been since I’ve felt like this. Remember when I used to bully the kids back in school?”

“Pretty cruel,” Lan Jue said. “How can you beat them so badly, heal them up then beat them again like that?”

Hua Li straightened and spoke as though delivering a line. “Nonsense, clearly it was you who wished it so. A teacher...

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