Chapter 205 - The Fierce Battle (Teaser)

"L-Leader…" the man stumbled over his words, "all the assassins we stationed around the target have been killed." He glanced at Robert, the man in the suit, with eyes full of fear.

Robert let out a furious scoff. In an instant, he was in front of the man, gripping him by the collar, and lifting him off the ground.  "Didn't I say that this target is no ordinary human? I told the assassins to be careful and to avoid exposing themselves!"

His feet dangling in the air, the man spoke tremulously, "Boss, you can't blame us. The target has an incredibly sharp perception. Several times, the assassins we sent out to tail him were taken out from a distance. We almost instantly lost contact with the ones we had monitoring the target; they didn't even have a chance to retreat. It looks like they were killed as soon as they were discovered." The team member swallowed hard.

"Useless! What use are you then?!" Robert's eyes flared with visible rage. He raised his hand abruptly, about to kill the subordinate out of anger.


A large hand blocked Robert's hand blade. Blue glowing patterns spread across the palm as if the person's hand was gloved in a blue glow. Robert turned to see Wolf standing beside him.

"No need for that. We may have lost the traitor's exact location for the moment, but we know he's...

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