Chapter 141: God of Destroyer and a Thousand Divine Swords (Teaser)

Able to burn all three worlds at once, the Sun God’s immense power truly reflected his divine prestige. Yet, that unrivaled prowess was crumbling down.

-W-what’s happening!

The Sun God couldn’t believe his eyes. An unprecedented ashen aura swallowed the flames he’d harnessed over a millennia, spreading like a tumor cell. 

-M-my precious flames are being extinguished...?

Since the flames were Sun God’s life, it also meant that his death was approaching.

Haa, haa!” 

The Sun God glared at the two Yu Il-Shins, who were catching their breath.

-I, the almighty Sun God that will reign over all gods, meet my end at the hands of a newborn god?!

The Sun God couldn’t tolerate where this situation was heading. In the past few centuries, he had only ever feared death once.

Before he attained divinity, he was just one of the two suns in the sky, the Fire Shining in the Highest Skies. He had been an arrogant sun since the day he was born. 

After all, not only was his sibling a few times smaller, the intensity of his flames were...

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