Chapter 5. The Age of Heroes Pt. 3

A few days later, Lee Jun-Kyeong was getting closer to being discharged[1]. While the injuries weren’t severe, his discharge had been delayed due to the special nature of his rescue.

As people were often rescued from within the gates, this delay became necessary. Gates were a kind of door connected to another dimension, most of which were unstable. Falling into a gate could have fatal consequences for non-Hunters. There were cases such as a warped flow of time or exposure to an epidemic. In rare cases, a person could emerge, having had their fundamental nature changed.

“Mr. Lee! Congratulations! We’ve confirmed that you are a hundred percent human!” exclaimed a nurse excitedly. The nurse and Lee Jun-Kyeong had gotten a little closer during his stay.

“Th… Thank you.”

While Lee Jun-Kyeong couldn’t believe that there was a reality in which he had to be happy that he was still a human being, he was still glad. He had gone back in time and obtained a body different from the one he had before. To be honest, it was an issue that had concerned him.

‘I thought there might have been something wrong with my body… It’s a relief.’

Lee Jun-Kyeong still had many other worries. Returning to the past was not a normal occurrence. Furthermore, his body had completely changed into something else. 

“And congratulations on becoming a Hunter!”

He had become a Hunter. There were concerns about the changes in his body after becoming a Hunter as there was no guarantee that all of them were for the better.

‘There were some stories of a person who had become a Hunter, and his blood had become acid, and others where someone had turned into a hideous Morgor.’[2]

This was because there was a chance one’s body would change according to their awakened ability. Fortunately, Lee Jun-Kyeong didn’t seem to have that problem. He hadn’t undergone any significant changes compared to the average awakening.

“Is becoming a Hunter something that needs to be celebrated?”

Lee Jun-Kyeong naturally already knew the answer to this question. Becoming a Hunter was something to be celebrated and was considered an extraordinary occurrence.

Sort of.

‘Because I was chosen.’

Specially chosen out of the masses. It wasn’t something that someone could have just because they wanted it. A person had to draw focus to their unique talents and be chosen by ‘Them.’ So then why did Lee Jun-Kyeong ask the nurse his question?

‘I need to know exactly how Hunters are treated in this era.’

He only knew the information that had been passed down through textbooks or the internet. Even though he may have returned to the past, it wasn’t to a past that he had lived and breathed. There was a chance that not everything he had been taught was true.

“Of course, it’s something to be celebrated! It’s the same as winning the lottery, right? Even the lowest rank F-Class Hunters can earn wealth unimaginable to ordinary people!” the nurse exclaimed excitedly as if this was her own opportunity.

“While there is the downside of having to fight with your life on the line, is that really an issue these days? They say that there are many things Hunters can do now to earn money, even if it’s not through battle.”

It was a true statement as there were many things the special humans called Hunters could do. Whether it be becoming blacksmiths through special powers or performing special tasks using higher-than-normal intelligence. They could even act as bodyguards for the rich.

They really were ‘special humans.’ So much so that they would always be superior no matter who they were compared to.

“It seems like it really is something to celebrate.”

It was a shame. Shortly, the world would be ruled by Eden and the Twelve Gods. Soon, the unchosen humans would be cursing a reality where most of them would not be selected as Hunters. Lee Jun-Kyeong smiled bitterly.

"Anyway, congratulations! Make sure you buy me a meal when you become a great hunter in the future.”

"Of course," Lee Jun-Kyeong offhandedly answered. However, he had no intention in keeping casual relationships.

"Oh, and don’t forget this."

The nurse pulled out something and handed it to Lee Jun-Kyeong when she saw his uncomfortable expression.

“Do you happen to remember Kim Su-Yeong from the Association? He left this for you. Something about how it may have been difficult for you to wear the clothes you had before…”

She handed Lee Jun-Kyeong a black T-shirt and jeans. Lee Jun-Kyeong nodded and accepted the clothes, thinking that they looked like they would fit surprisingly well.

“Then, congratulations on your discharge!” said the nurse as she left the hospital room.


"This is…"

Lee Jun-Kyeong couldn’t help but admire it. While he had been able to look out the hospital room window, he hadn’t been able to leave barring the examination, as they had to confirm whether or not he had contracted a disease or any other issues. But now, he was standing in front of the hospital entrance. He scanned his surroundings.

Korea during ‘The Age of Heroes.’

There was a view of Gangnam, where the Hunter Association was located, and everything around him was new and strange.

‘The atmosphere is completely different.’

He had been to Gangnam once before in the future. It was one of the only cities the general public could visit without permission. It was a city of dreams for civilians, where someone could change their life if they had enough luck.

The Gangnam where he had pursued his dreams wasn’t a good memory. It was different from the rumors, a place where his status as a civilian had left his efforts in vain, and he returned to his hometown.

However, he never forgot the scenery: a beautiful and colorful city with an underlying darkness.

‘It seems lively.’

This time was different. They were a world plagued by threats, not knowing when the next monster would emerge from the gates or when the next big event might happen. But even so, it looked more peaceful and lively than the Gangnam in the future. Lee Jun-Kyeong took in the surrounding scenery as if it was a wondrous sight.

“I’ve been waiting for you. It seems like you don’t remember much,” someone said.

“Manager Kim.”

Lee Jun-Kyeong acted as if he knew him. Kim Su-Yeong had been waiting with his car parked. He smiled and said to Lee Jun-Kyeong, “We’ll be heading straight to the Association as you still don’t remember your current address or any other information. Am I correct in assuming that you won’t have a place to stay from now on?”

Lee Jun-Kyeong emptily nodded.

“Don’t worry. After registering as a Hunter in the Association, they should provide you with a rental apartment. There are often cases like yours.”

Lee Jun-Kyeong nodded again. While it wasn’t a benefit that everyone was offered, his was a particular case—

“Let me congratulate you in advance for becoming a D-Rank Hunter.”

Hunters were ranked according to the alphabet. Usually, when one first awakened as a Hunter, it was common to be graded an F-Rank or E-Rank. While there were instances where some were awarded higher grades, they were considered promising prospects and received special treatment. While all Hunters could grow into higher ranks when given support, the initial grade after awakening was still crucial.

Lee Jun-Kyeong had received a D-Rank in his first ability test after awakening in the hospital.

‘If it’s that much…’

—because he had great potential.

A D-Rank Hunter. It was a great start.

“Once the registration is complete, the Association will provide you with many more benefits. I’ll explain the rest after registration is complete. Please, take a seat,” said Kim Su-Yeong while smiling.

“Thank you.”

Lee Jun-Kyeong modestly expressed his thanks and entered the old car through the door held open by Kim Su-Yeong. The car set off slowly as Lee Jun-Kyeong admired the unfamiliar scenery outside the window.


"Now, after you finish signing, you will officially have become a Hunter."

It was a thick contract. Eventually, only the last page remained. After careful review, Lee Jun-Kyeong came to the conclusion that it had nothing that could have been an issue.

“So you’re saying that while I have become a Hunter, I won’t belong to the Association?”

That was the most critical part. Whether or not he belonged to a group. While it used to be what Lee Jun-Kyeong had wanted, that was him from before, his past self that had had no dreams or hopes. Now, it was different. As someone with endless opportunities, tying himself to something was no different from shackling himself.

"Yes. The role of the Association is to manage the Hunters. Well, it might be a little complicated to explain... Simply put, it is similar to the relationship between a government and its people."

Fulfilling the basic duties and reaping the benefits that came with it. Beyond that, there was no obligation that demanded a Hunter be loyal to the Association. Lee Jun-Kyeong made his decision.



He signed the contract.

“From now on, you may work as a Hunter. The Association will put in a lot of effort for you, and you will be free… would be grateful, however,” rambled Kim Su-Yeong. Lee Jun-Kyeong had honestly spaced out in the middle of the man’s speech and only caught himself towards the end.

Kim Su-Yeong continued, blissfully unaware that the other man hadn’t been paying attention, “As you already know, Hunters may be drafted in for things such as national emergencies or transcendental grade gates. You’ve been fully briefed on the matter, correct?”

It was something that he had already heard multiple times. Kim Su-Yeong's commitment to work was quite thorough. There were no signs of deceit that Lee Jun-Kyeong had noticed.

“Yes, I understand.”

“Thank you.”

Kim Su-Yeong stood up and shook Lee Jun-Kyeong’s hand. They had completed the contract.

‘The goal I had so wanted…’

Just then, a result he couldn’t have imagined even in his dreams.

‘I have become a Hunter.’

Kim Su-Yeong’s words rang within Lee Jun-Kyeong’s chest.

Hunters. The blessed and chosen few. The impassable glass ceiling.[3]

‘No, something greater.’

He had become something different from other Hunters.

A Player.


Lee Jun-Kyeong put strength into his handshake with Kim-Su-Young.

"It will take some time to deal with your identity registration and rental housing… Until then, would you like to talk about anything?"

Lee Jun-Kyeong nodded. He was thirsty for information. He needed to compare the information from the future in his head to the information in this era. In order to do so, he would first have to collect a lot of information.

“Firstly… either this week at the earliest or next week, there will be an assembly.”

“An assembly?”

Kim Su-Yeong smiled as if to convey there was nothing to worry about.

"It’s the tutorial."


"You’ve applied, Mr. Lee?"

Kim Su-Yeong was right in his assumption. This was a tutorial that one could apply to attend after becoming a Hunter. While it wasn’t mandatory, it was a process meant to aid those that had applied.

‘If one’s goal is to become a battle Hunter, attending is all but mandatory.’

While Lee Jun-Kyeong wasn’t a Hunter in the first place, he recalled the sudden fight with the goblins. How his actions were a stretch from what one could call fighting. Furthermore, even though he knew a lot of information regarding Hunters, it wasn’t as if he had any real experience. He agreed it was necessary to attend the tutorial.

"It will last for three days. To give a rough explanation, there will be a brief overview of the theories of being a Hunter while mainly focusing on combat-related lectures and weapon skills.”

“I see.”

“And the last day is as I have explained in advance.”


Lee Jun-Kyeong swallowed nervously.

"The last day will be a trip to a dungeon gate. While it will be the lowest ranked gate, it’s best to be prepared as one never knows what will happen,” Kim Su-Yeong laughed.

“Though, don’t worry too much. Not only are you a D Rank… but haven’t you also already killed goblins before? There is nothing for you to worry about. I’m sure you’ll come out with great results.”

Lee Jun-Kyeong and Kim Su-Yeong also talked about a variety of other things. 

“Are there any Hunters to look out for?”

Stories related to this era and rumors about other Hunters.

“Well, there are quite a few famous Hunters as it’s been a while since Hunters had first appeared.”


As Kim Su-Yeong tilted his head as if he was thinking about something, his phone started to ring.

“Ah, it seems as though it’s already over. Let’s go over the rest later.”


With Lee Jun-Kyeong's agreement, the two rose from their seats.



It felt like he had received twenty years' worth of missed congratulations in one day.

Still, he was grateful. “Thank you very much.”

Lee Jun-Kyeong was sincerely appreciative.

It was a special day. It was his first day of being a Hunter, and the first opportunity that he had been able to grab. For the first time in his life, he had a home. The house he used to live in was an abandoned shack that he had refurbished. It was a place utterly incomparable to the house he would live in for now.

He was happy. It was the first time he had been able to understand the true meaning of happiness.

"Ah… There was one more thing I had to tell you."


"There is someone who wishes to meet with you."


Lee Jun-Kyeong's heart started to race. He was someone who had returned to the past. There shouldn’t have been a single person who would have known him. Instead, he wondered who it could be and why they would want to meet him.

“Well… He’s the Guild Master of the League Guild that had saved you. It seems as though he has a bit of interest in you. But, of course, it’s not a requirement. You don’t have to accept his request.”

“The League Guild?”

“Yes. It’s one of the more active Guilds these days.”

Lee Jun-Kyeong considered it for a moment.

If it was the League Guild… he made a decision, “Then it’s fine.”

Kim Su-Yeong’s eyes widened in surprise. From what he had seen, Lee Jun-Kyeong was a very cautious person. A careful and wary person. He had been sure that Lee Jun-Kyeong would decline the meeting.

Shortly after Kim Su-Yeong had stepped aside to take a phone call, he came back and said, “This is Lee Jun-Kyeong." Kim Su-Yeong had brought someone over and introduced him to Lee Jun-Kyeong.

“And this is the Guild Master of the League Guild that had saved you, Mr. Lee…”

The man was handsome, appearing on the younger side. Despite being a Guild Master, he had a face that seemed familiar or easily recognizable. His most stand-out feature, however…

“I shaved it myself. I’m the Guild Master of the League Guild, Yeo Seong-Gu.”

…was his head, shining brilliantly in the sunlight. Not a single hair was visible on his sparkling scalp.

“And this is…?”

He seemed to have noticed the attention towards his head. It wasn’t until Yeo Seong-Gu’s eyes furrowed slightly in discomfort that Lee Jun-Kyeong had come to his senses.

“Thank you so much. It’s just that you look very similar to someone I know… I didn’t mean to be rude,” Lee Jun-Kyeong apologized while shaking his hand.

Yeo Seong-Gu.

So this is how we would meet.’

He was one of the very few friends Lee Jun-Kyeong had. Someone he could never treat well enough. It wasn’t because of the request he had received. He wanted to do it from the depths of his heart. The reason was—

“I’ll be in your care.”

It felt as though he was about to cry. It was a meeting that occurred much sooner than expected…


—He had met his Hyung.

Though he may have pierced Lee Jun-Kyeong with a sword at the last moment, he was a Hyung who truly cared for him.


1. The author uses a mix of myself (자신) and Lee Jun-Kyeong (이준경) to reference the main character. For the first 4 chapters, as his name wasn’t revealed, we used 1st person POV, intending to keep it that way for the book. However, after the introduction of his name, it made much more sense to change the POV to 3rd person, as it read better and was easier to distinguish.

2. A Morgor is a Korean term for a hideous morphed human. Sort of like a brute or a neanderthal. Think in terms of Frankenstein’s monster, or like a super-deformed bodybuilder.

3. A Glass Ceiling is an invisible classist barrier that keeps a certain group of people from ever rising beyond a certain point in society.


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