Chapter 616: Ever After (1) (Teaser)
Sightings of the heroes, who had disappeared immediately following their defeat of the Demon King of Destruction, were spread all across the continent.
Their very first destination had been the Lehainjar Mountain Range.
“They suddenly descended from the sky to land right in front of us,” Aman Ruhr said with a smile as he recalled that moment.
His already fierce visage had had a few more scars added to it. Those scars had been earned while defending against the march of the Nur. Aman considered these scars as glorious medals commemorating their victory, so he refused to have them healed and wore them with pride.
“To be honest, at that time, I was extremely exhausted. And it wasn’t just me; we were all at our limits. After all, until just a few hours ago, we had been facing an endless tide of monsters…. Haha, though indeed, it’s not like we were the only ones,” Aman admitted with a chuckle before falling silent for a few moments and shaking his head. “When the news finally reached us by magic, we were informed that the Demon King of Destruction had been slain. As such, we were on our way back to base.
“We also heard about how the Great… Vermouth had returned from the dead, and of how the heroes had suddenly left the battlefield. Ahem, well, even though we had heard about it in advance, when the great hero suddenly landed in front of us, we couldn’t help but be amazed and thrilled to see him in person.”
The place where Aman had set up his defense was at the very northernmost tip of the continent. It was far from the frontlines of the battle against the Demon King of Destruction. Of course, if one could ride a dragon for transport and had all kinds of magic for support, it would be easy to cross such a distance in only a few hours.
“My ancestor, for whom I am proud to declare my eternal respect, threw his arm over my shoulders and told me I had done a good job. He also said that everything was finally over,” Aman said with a proud smile.
At that time, Aman hadn’t been able to endure the sudden surge of overwhelming emotions and had fallen to his knees as his legs grew weak.
“It wasn’t just me,” Aman defended himself. “Lord Ortus, who had shared command over the vanguard alongside me, was also shedding thick streams of tears. Ivic refused to allow himself to fall to his knees or shed tears, but everyone there knew the reason why he kept stubbornly staring up into the sky. Haha, in any case, while we were still overcome by our emotions, the Great Vermouth had something he wanted to say to us.”
He had sincerely thanked them.
“He… the Great Vermouth… he actually bowed his head to all...

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