Chapter 1196 | Chapter 1197 | Chapter 1198 | Chapter 1199 | Chapter 1200 (END) 

OMA: Hey everyone, WMW is finally wrapped up. Having started on the 1st of January, 2016, we've finished up all 1200 chapters before 2017 ends, two months shy of two years working on this project. The journey these past two years has been epic, and even if it's been tedious it's also been fruitful. It wouldn't have been possible were it not for the toiling of the translators and the editor, so kudos to all of you! Keep up the good work, and always take pride in the work that you do. To our readers, we'd like to express our heartfelt gratitude for gracing our work. There's been a lot of shortcomings and unforeseen circumstances that cropped up along the way, but you've been patient and understanding, encouraging us along the way. Thank you! I am ever thankful to RWX, overlord of Wuxiaworld, for allowing me the opportunity to showcase this novel to our readers. Thanks also to our admins Guan Zhong and Insane for their lightning-quick support whenever needed. Lastly, to everyone that contributed towards this novel in one way or the other, thank you! Stay tuned for our upcoming project, City of Sin!

Theo: So... We're done! Just under a year since I joined Team OMA, and we've finally finished our first book. I've personally worked on more than 850 chapters of WMW to date, having edited or at least proofed literally every chapter since I joined at 345, and you know what? It was worth it. WMW's been a fun ride for the past year, letting me put my writing to the test and stretching my abilities greatly. In the vein of the author, :P, thanks for sticking with us all this while and bearing all the mistakes(The hundreds upon hundreds of typos, I know) I've made in my role. Lots of thanks to the people over at the WW discord and the WMW channel, they've been great help with everything about the book(Didja know we have a wiki?) Lastly, (Yeah I admit I'm just copying the author at this point, it's the right way to respect the work) let's meet back up at City of Sin, which we're taking up next. Still a fantasy book, and promises to be fun, so yeah... start reading it... Cya.

Ying: I can't believe this novel is actually over. I've just searched through all the records and... I joined WMW and translated my first chapter in mid-june 2016. It was chapter 146. Can you believe it? I've been around for more than a thousand chapters?! WMW was honestly my life for the past year and a half and it just blows my mind that I've been part of such a great project, worked with such amazing people and had so much fun (and lots of stress, I must admit). Thank you, dear readers, for all the support you've given to us and this project, and I hope you enjoyed the entire process as much as I did. Our next project is City of Sin, and hopefully we (and the novel) won't disappoint. <3 Much love to all of you!
