Biannual Charity Event

Hello everyone,

Starting today and ending on January 13th, 12:00 AM PST, I will be opening up the sponsored queue, 40 dollars per chapter, and NO limits on how many chapters until January 13th

These donations will NOT be going towards me, but towards Awesome Games Done Quick and the Prevent Cancer Foundation.

Games Done Quick is a bi-annual charity gaming marathon. Volunteers play games at incredible speed (“Speedrunning”) for entertainment. The event is streamed live online, non-stop, and all donations go directly to the charity.

You can donate here or here, and in order to keep track of donations, please leave proof of donation in the comments below (Such as a timestamp when you donated so I can cross-reference or email receipt), send me a private message on discord at Deceptioning #3705, comment on the USAW Channel, or send them to my email at

Thank you,

