It is time for goodbye?

Hi everyone! It has been almost a year since we saw the growth of Ji-Cheok, his cute fennec, and his team of comrades. But it seems like the end is nearing!

The last chapter will be released to the public on 27th June 2023, and the end dates for the respective tiers are as follows: 

TrickTock Likes: 25th June 2023

Instakilo Likes: 23rd June 2023

Fakebook Likes: 19th June 2023

Twister Likes: 15th June 2023

Painterest Likes: 11th June 2023

GodTube Likes: 3rd June 2023

Wuxiaworld Likes: 26th May 2023

Translator's Last Words:

Hello all! If you are reading this ending post means that Thumbs Up Level Up has come to an end. It has been a challenging yet incredibly rewarding experience that has allowed me to delve deeper into the world of literature and explore new avenues of language and expression.

As a translator, my goal has been to convey the beauty and depth of the original work while maintaining its integrity and authenticity. I have strived to preserve the author's voice and style, while also adapting the text to a new language and audience. It has been a delicate balance, but I am proud of the final product and I hope that it will bring joy and enlightenment to those who read it.

As a reader myself, I know how transformative literature can be. It has the power to transport us to new worlds, to challenge our beliefs, and to inspire us to greatness. I hope that my translation will do just that - that it will take you on a journey that you won't forget, that it will make you think deeply about life and the world around us, and that it will spark your imagination and creativity.

I want to thank you for taking the time to read my translation. It is no small thing to invest your time and energy in a book, and I am honored that you have chosen to spend it with my work. I also want to thank the author for creating such a beautiful and meaningful piece of literature that has touched my heart and soul.

Finally, I want to say that this is just the beginning. As a translator, I am committed to bringing more great works of literature to new audiences, and I hope that you will join me on this journey. Let's continue to explore the world of words and ideas together, and let's keep our love of literature alive.

Thank you again, and happy reading!

- Bubly

We are grateful for all the love and support showered on the awesome TULU team thus far, specifically toward our translator Bubly and our editor Penguin! Do hang around the site for more new novels that are coming up (Bubly is picking up another novel soon!), and your continuous support to Wuxiaworld is greatly appreciated!
