Regressor Can Make Them All on Podcast!

Hey guys, Yojj here~

The RMTA duo joined me and Tokki on Episode 8 of Wuxiaworld's Teahouse.

You'll get to see listen to how the team interacts behind the scenes (hint, it's Sigh bullying me instead of the other way around and Kyokon just sipping tea, laughing in a corner) and of course, what they think of the novel and the characters. 

Here's what Sigh and Kyokon have to say about their episode:

I know nothing about Overgeared - Sigh   

#how to be Yojj's emotional support buddy - Kyokon 

And while I'm here, I'm going to hijack the episode announcement page to say thank you to all our readers and that the team loves your comments. They're always gushing privately about their favorite comments and how many comments they've gotten for each chapter… it's kinda cute. So please keep showering them with love \(^ヮ^)/

Go take a listen to Episode 8 and make sure to leave comments about how Sigh should be nicer to me~

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