Time to Say Farewell to TNC

Hello Lost World players!

Sadly, it’s time to say goodbye to our gods/players and apostles of different species (and our beloved Lizardmen). 

The last chapter will be released to the public on March 17th 2024 (or 18th depending on timezone) and the end dates for the respective tiers are as follows:

Angry Teeth God - March 15, 2024
Dancing Shadow God - March 13, 2024
Boldly Rushing God - March 8, 2024
Fruition God - March 4, 2024
Intertwined God - February 29, 2024
Life Proving God - February 20, 2024
Blue Insect God - February 11, 2024

We appreciate the support and encouragement you've given Nebula as he went around pissing off the other gods as well as the love you’ve given to our translator Greenfrog and our wonderful editor House. 

We've always loved your comments, so to share the joy one more time, comment below with your favorite TNC character. You can add more if you can’t decide because I certainly can’t. I mean, how am I supposed to decide between the adorable Pangolins and the dumdum Platy commander Golt XD

Your continuous support will help us in deciding the kind of novels we bring to WuxiaWorld, so do stick around~

We look forward to seeing you again. 
