Chronos! Come back!

Hi everyone! The Maknae Has to Be an Idol will soon be coming to an end.

The last chapter will be released to the public on 7th July 2024, and the end dates for the respective tiers are as follows: 

Idol Fan: 5th July 2024

Trainee: 3rd July 2024

Pre-debut Trainee: 29th June 2024

Rising Rookie: 25th June 2024

First-Tier Idol: 19th June 2024

Household Name: 13th June 2024

Global Superstar: 5th June 2024

Translator's & Editor's Last Words:

We are grateful for all the love and support showered on our awesome translator, Redbird! Do hang around the site for more new novels that are coming up, and your continuous support to Wuxiaworld is greatly appreciated! 
