♔ SOTR Chapter 94!
Every now and then... I like to kick in a reader appreciation chapter when we reach certain milestones. Sometimes it's number of reviews, other times it's rankings. This time, it's because a kind reader has let me know that SOTR is apparently being translated into Turkish and Russian as well! And least one of them seems to be basing their translations off of mine, so O_O. Oh my!
This is so exciting and very humbling at the same time. Good thing I'm TLCing all my chapters after I finish translating! And why is this a reader appreciation chapter? Because you guys read and comment here, on Reddit, on NUF, and other blogs and forums that I've been surprised to see mention of SOTR when I drop in every now and then. Thank you for your support and love of the series, you guys rock!
And doesn't this story rock? So much kudos to the author! Xoxo Plow Days! :D
PS. Love the lively discussions on Reddit regarding whether or not Eastern Lu is a good ruler. I love reading comments!
<3 etvo