SPONSORED Skyfire Avenue Release - Chapter 112
Hello again friends,
I'm coming to you early this morning with you're first sponsored chapter of the week. Chapter 112: Pointers begins Lan Jue's THIRD lesson of the day, but this time he isn't teaching etiquette or beating on youngsters. Instead his pupils are his three Amazons!
Please join me in raising a glass of fine red to returning donor His Majesty R. ‘k-k-kaaameeehhaaaMEEEHAAA!!’ Kunzi of the U.S. for his overwhelming support of Skyfire Avenue! Donations have currently filled the queue, so you'll be receiving another sponsored chapter tomorrow, AND enough for a third next week! Your third guaranteed chapter of the week will be released tonight.
Enjoy the read, friends! Go go Amazons!
Xiao Lai
Xiao LaiTranslator