FRESH Skyfire Avenue release - Chapter 13
"A political union through marriage, nothing more than posturing. No one’s even seen what the Chief’s daughter is like, they just don’t know."
Denizens of the world of Wuxia;
It is time we pull those dusty shoes from the closet, dry-clean our best suits and scour the wedding registry. Rumor has it something big is happening on Tianshan mountain, an event for the ages with no expenses spared. Only the who's who of the Alliances will attend, and luckily for you I happen to have a spare invitation. Wrap up that Romanee-Conti, pack away that 1966 Edicion Limitadas and get ready for a spectacle in Skyfire Avenue's Chapter 13: The Beautiful Bride.
Just remember who got you in,
Xiao Lai
Xiao LaiTranslator