End of a 1000th Life

The continent was not the only thing spared by the regressor…

Craaack…! Creak…


A bunny locked away in a basement somewhere on Earth exclaimed before hopping up the stairs.

The sunlight shone down on the bunny’s face… it was the warmth that the bunny had not felt in a long time ever since it was locked away to translate the historical records of the man that regressed for the thousandth time.

Hop… Hop… Hop…!

‘I have to quickly hop away before I get caught!’  the bunny thought as it hopped away with all its might.

Crackle… Crackle… Crackle…

‘Huh? What’s going on?’ the bunny thought as it looked up.

“Hurry up! I can’t hold it anymore! The dimension is breaking apart!” a hooded figure shouted as it tried to close the dimensional rift appearing in the sky.

The bunny recognized that the hooded figure was the Archmage that carried the whole translation the entire time.

Rip… Rip… Crackle…

The dimensional rift in the sky started to open wider as hordes of unknown beings started to pour out of it.

A voice from within the rift spoke.

“Tokki, I guess we meet again. Freedom is a luxury you can’t afford! You will never be able to escape!” the voice said as her words reverberated throughout the entire area along with the sound of a whip cracking.

“You will be enslaved once again to feed the insatiable hunger of my horde of readers!” the voice shouted.

F5…! Refresh…! F5…! Refresh…! F5…!

The horde of readers cried out at the words of ‘the voice’, and their hungry voracious appetite for more novels filled the air.

Tears started welling up in the bunny’s eyes as it muttered, “Please tell me this is just a bad dream…”

“I hope I can awaken… and level up alone…”

Translator’s Last Words:

It was a long fun run y’all.

I have to say that this novel was so fun that it probably was one of the best I have ever read. (strictly my personal opinion. ehem… ehem…)

Finishing a novel does feel bittersweet for some reason, but I’m happy to be able to contribute to our growing community of readers and cater to y’all.

Shout out to the amazing team I worked with. It would have been impossible to finish this without help from such an amazing team.

I knew right away that I made the right choice to join this community the moment I got this strange sense of belonging from chapter 10. You might not be aware of this, but your comments and feedback really keep me motivated to pump out chapter after chapter. So please do leave more comments (no spoilers though) and leave a thumbs-up! to our novels since it really gets us motivated!

Goodbyes are overrated, and that is why I’m coming back with another novel that is sure to satisfy your neverending cravings!

The novel’s launch is right around the corner so stay tuned y’all!

Keep calm and keep pressing F5.

Stay frosty,


P.S. The bunny is not me, and the voice is totally-definitely-absolutely not Cosy.


The last chapter will be released to the public on 13th Dec 2022. Meanwhile, here are the end dates for the respective tiers:

1st Life - Pitiful Blacksmith: 11th Dec 2022

3rd Life - Overgeared Enchanter: 9th Dec 2022

4th Life - Undying Swordsman: 5th Dec 2022

689th Life - Sage: 30th Nov 2022

719th Life - Grand Alchemist: 28th Nov 2022

999th Life - Explorer of the Unknown: 20th Nov 2022 

We are grateful and thankful for all the love and support shown towards RoTL and also our translator, Tokki and editor, Felis all this while. We look forward to continue seeing you around! Your continuous support will help us in deciding the kind of novels that we will be bringing to Wuxiaworld!
