
With the relaunch of Praise the Orc, we have a new translator on board with us as well! Please welcome Roominate! And this is the message from her!

Hi, I’m Roominate! 

I live in Massachusetts with my Siberian cat Rooney. To tell a bit about myself, my hobbies are: sharing unsolicited pictures of my cat, mindlessly scrolling through YouTube and social media, fantasizing about winning the lottery, overthinking and stressing about things, and trying to get swole.

But enough about myself, I am honored to translate such a legendary light novel with a message that means a lot to me. The novel continuously addresses how others’ perception of you might be completely inaccurate due to stereotypes or prejudices, but we can overcome such prejudices by being true to ourselves. 

For example, what image comes to mind when you hear the word ‘orc?’ Does a cruel, ugly Shrek-like creature come to mind? In the novel, orcs are perceived as savage monsters despite being honorable warriors, and the novel is replete with characters who are misunderstood. There is a dark elf of mixed blood who faces discrimination in his community, a fearless gnome soldier who is often undermined by others because of his size, and a feeble wizard who expended all of his powers to save the world unbeknownst to anyone. The characters in this novel understand better than anyone what it’s like to be misunderstood, but they persist and become friends with those who truly see them for who they are. As cliche as it sounds, the best we can do is believe in ourselves. It is necessary for us to thrive. 

I want to thank Cosy, LD, Penguin, and other translators for giving me support and good humor during a difficult time in my life. 

My translations improve as the story progresses, so please bear with me and read on!


