Lowering of Update Rates to 5/Week
Dear MGA readers,
It's been a while since I last made an announcement, but as the saying goes, no news is good news. But I have come as a bearer of bad news today.
Unfortunately, the raws update has slowed to around 20 per month, and the stockpile I built up has been depleting over the past few months. I am up to date with the raws and only have 12 chapters left in my stockpile. To ensure consistent updates, I'll have to drop the update rate soon.
I'm looking to slow updates from 25th February 2025 onward to 5 per week, with releases on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Sunday.
For those who are no strangers to these announcements, the same rules apply - I'll automatically raise the update if the release rate increases in the long term. If, touchwood, the raws release rate further decreases, I'll let you know through the announcements.
Sorry for the inconvenience.