☯ ISSTH Chapter 640 ☯

A puff of smoke suddenly filled the front page of wuxiaworld.com. The smoke quickly dissipated to reveal:

Chapter 640 Translator: Deathblade Contributors: Madam Deathblade, anonpuffs Proofreaders: JSmith, Lingson, Courtrecords Meme Archives: joeljbright Memes: leoloo, Azusky Sponsors: Liam Shippam, Laurie’s ESL Tutoring, Patrick Files, Shin, William Storer, Joel F, Michael Q, Abu, Count Grey, Fiber Optic, David Jeltema III, Potkeny, and Michael Michalczyk

This release marks 6/7 guaranteed chapters and 7 sponsored chapters, for a total of 13 chapters so far!
