☯ ISSTH Chapter 384 ☯
Soon "planes, trains and automobiles" begins. Well, minus the planes. After work I will take a train to Beijing. I'll stay in a hotel and then handle embassy affairs first thing in the morning. Then I'll take a train back to resume my normal work weekend. As for the next chapter, it might come super early (if I can secretly posted it from work) or super late (after I get to the hotel in Beijing). For all F5 Sect members, I'll give updates on twitter about when I will release the chapter. Depending on how much translating I can accomplish in my various taxi and train rides, this week may have a total of 12, 13, or 14 chapters. We'll have to wait and see...
Chapter 384: MY Gold Core Tribulation! Translator: Deathblade Contributors: Madam Deathblade, John Rogers, anonpuffs Proofreaders: Lingson, Yascob and MeeBoo Memes: MemeBoo Meme Archives: joeljbright Sponsors: Osamudiamen Igbinovia, François-Xavier Rondeau Vallières, Josh Lewis, Kevin Seba, Thomas Edwards, Dennis Liu, Konrad Wierzbicki, and Nicolas Gonzalez Cordero
Many thanks to all the Fellow Daoists for bringing the third sponsored chapter of the week!