The sages said, read ISSTH Book 1, Chapter 26!
I was thinking just now, you know what? Maybe I should feel bad for Wang Tengfei. He's not too bad a guy, right? Maybe a bit misunderstood, but overall, I kind of like and respect him. And then I punched myself in the face for being an idiot. Please enjoy the befuddlement of Captain Beatiful in:
Chapter 26: Bewilderment Translated by Deathblade Contributing Editor: Madam Deathblade Proofreaders: Lingson, laoren and MeeBoo
Mini-spoiler about the next chapter below:
If you look at the sneak peak chapter, you'll notice that the chapter title is the exact same title as chapter 19. And if you remember what happened in chapter 19, it might give you a clue as to what's coming in chapter 27. Hia hia hia!