ISSTH Chapter 358 ☯

Chronicles of Baby Deathblade: Okay, so I know I'm most likely being a crazy dad, but I SWEAR that just today he said "Ma." He makes all sorts of noises now (other than crying), so most likely this was just a random situation where his lips were pushed together and then, just when at the critical moment he said "ah." But... you never know. Check out a picture of the little dude with a cool hairstyle and a stylish outfit... after the jump....

Chapter 358: The Renown of Pill Cauldron Translator: Deathblade Contributing Editors: Madam Deathblade, anonpuffs Proofreaders: Lingson, Meeboo and Yascob Memes: MemeBoo Meme Archives: Yascob, joeljbright

This is the fifth guaranteed chapter of the week!...

