ISSTH Chapter 342 ☯

"Good evening, this is Ken Zhang, head anchor of ZCNN, the State of Zhao's premier Cultivation news broadcast. Tonight's lead story relates to an interesting subject: blood. Cultivators tend to spit and cough up a lot of blood, but what do they usually use to wipe their mouths? A sleeve? A handkerchief? Disposable tissues? Let's go live to Nancy Wang, who has the inside scoop on this baffling question. Nancy?"

Chapter 342: Patriarch Golden Light! Translator: Deathblade Contributing Editors: Madam Deathblade, John Rogers, anonpuffs Proofreaders: MeeBoo and Yascob Memes: MemeBoo Meme Archives: Yascob

This is the fourth guaranteed chapter of the week!
