ISSTH Chapter 288, 289, 290 ☯
If you have the time and inclination, please read a non-spoiler introduction to this 3-chapter special release (after the jump). Also, thanks to everyone who commented and made suggestions regarding my fever. By the way, before coming to China I did consult a doctor and also got various immunizations. Furthermore, because I'm in China on a permanent residence permit, it means that by law I have to get regular physicals at a government test facility, including blood tests, EKGs, etc, etc. So don't worry, I think I'm in relatively good health!
Chapter 288 Chapter 289 Chapter 290 Translator: Deathblade Contributing Editors: Madam Deathblade, John Rogers - Proofreaders: Lingson, MeeBoo and Yascob - Memes: MemeBoo - Meme Archives: joeljbright Chapter 289 Sponsor: Darren Chen Chapter 290 Sponsor: Deathblade
More about these chapters ..... . . .
I feel that these three chapters are best read in succession, so I'm releasing one as a guaranteed chapter, and two as sponsored chapters (one being sponsored by yours truly). There were a lot of comments by the Chinese readers when these chapters were first released. Apparently, many people found them confusing and/or complicated. I believe that my translation is very accurate to the original Chinese, but I've also done my best to translate them in a way that makes them easy to understand.
Actually, I really enjoyed these chapters, and there are some parts therein that caused me to get a bit emotional. Also, the deeper meaning of the events in the chapters is not explained afterwards, so your speculations and anlyses are as good as mine.
Please enjoy this special 3-chapter release. Chapters 289 and 290 are the sixth and seventh sponsored chapters of the week. Normally I limit the chapters to seven guaranteed and seven sponsored, but this week we will obviously have more than that!