Desolate Era Finished! Special Video From IET!

My dear friends... as many of you know and as I wrote in the afterword yesterday, at long last, Desolate Era has come to an end.  I have translated IET from 2014 to 2018, making up roughly 7 million Chinese characters.  Knowing that it has now all finally ended is so bittersweet.  It'll probably be quite some time before I translate another IET novel (I'll be working with Xiao Lai on Godsfall Chronicles and also by myself on Dragon Talisman) again, but I'm sure that this author I respect so much and myself will cross paths again in the future.

I won't rehash what I said in the afterword, but I did want to make sure you all had a chance to see this special short video message which IET sent us commemorating the end of DE.  Once again, much love to all of you!  Desolate Era, finis.
