New CD Chapter Release! Book 19, Chapter 35
Hey guys, here's your first CD chapter of the day! Book 19, Chapter 35 - A Rock has been released. Enjoy the read! This chapter was sponsored by CG of Alaska, anonymous, and VP of France, so if you enjoyed the chapter, please join me in a big round of applause for them! Thanks, donors! And, once again, thank you readers for your continued support and interest! We are halfway through the third to last book. One big hurrah and final push will take care of it! CD should be done in November'ish, at this rate! :)
Note - A big round of applause to our technomancer! One mobile issue (aside from the darn redirects...) was that for some reason, the menu was loading 'last', so until everything else loaded, the menu wasn't loading very quickly. That issue seems to be fixed now by pushing mobile menu to the 'priority', so yay! :)