Incoming change to release rate

Hello everyone, as I've mentioned in some of the translator notes, the author's release schedule changed a few months ago. Instead of releasing two chapters per day, he's switched to one chapter per day on a consistent basis. I'm fairly close to catching up to him, which means switching the translation to one chapter release per day will eventually be necessary. To ease the pain, Wuxiaworld has agreed to initially drop from 14 to 10 chapters per week for a while. During that time, I'll be able to release at least one chapter every day of the week, with three days of the week having two chapters. That switch will happen in one month, that way anyone who has been Championing can change their subscription if they wish.

After doing 10 per week for a time (a couple of months I think), we will have to switch to 7 per week (one a day). I do not intend to catch all the way up to the author. As all of you know, he makes it a practice to introduce terms and concepts that don't get explained until many chapters later. If I catch all the way up to him, I will 100% for sure start making mistakes based on things I don't understand. Keeping a small buffer will at least mitigate some of that. I do have the option of contacting the author, but I absolutely cannot just bug him constantly with random questions.

When it comes time later in the year to switch to 7 per week, I will make another announcement in advance.

And of course, it's always conceivable that the author will go back to doing 14 per week. As I've also mentioned in various translator notes, he's been having health problems recently. I suppose if he fully recovers, he might speed up again. If that happens, I'll notify everyone and resume the original release rate.

That's it for now, if you have questions, you can contact Wuxiaworld by going to the "Contact Us" link located at the bottom of every single page on the website.
