Chapter 17: I Can Only Rely On Myself

Wu Yuan's impressive display of power brought a rare moment of ease to the Wu Clan's higher-ups, who were previously tense with anxiety.

Three months ago, Wu Yuan secured fourth place in the martial academy major tournament, signifying a huge possibility of reaching the Adept level in six to seven years.

But now? In just over three months, he had advanced from a seventh-grade martial novice to a sixth-grade martial virtuoso. How astounding was his progress?

Even now, Wu Yuan was among the few martial virtuosos in the Wu Clan! In the whole Li City branch, out of nearly a thousand clan members, there were only nine sixth-grade martial virtuosos, not even in the double digits. This spoke volumes about the scarcity of martial virtuosos.

The recruitment prerequisite of the Southdream Army, the Cloudstride Sect's elite army stationed in Southdream Province, was that one had to be a martial virtuoso.

"Wu Yuan is indeed a rare genius of our Wu Clan. If the chieftain knew, he would certainly be beyond exuberant," the black-robed young man sighed, "Such a pity. If Wu Yuan were given three to five more years to fully mature, would we be so troubled today?"

No one in the meeting hall spoke, their joy quickly fizzling out. Indeed, distant water could not quench present thirst [1]. Despite Wu Yuan's shocking talent, he was still only a sixth-grade martial virtuoso. Only fifth-grade martial artists or above could truly be called experts.

"Uncle Long, Grandpa Liu, Uncle Dongyao..." With a flip of his hand, Wu Yuan placed a stack of silver notes and a small amount of loose silver on the table, "I was able to train so quickly because I bought some training materials. I've spent quite a bit, and this is all I have left."

There were more than 800 silver taels. 

In reality, Wu Yuan had a total of 3000 silver taels, as well as another 100 silver taels awarded to him at the martial academy major tournament. After deducting the amount required for his household necessities and body tempering pills, there were still over 1700 taels left. However, Wu Yuan was unwilling to expose the 1000 silver taels he had received from the general. Moreover, he had plans for the remaining silver.

"Wu Yuan, your training is of utmost importance. Keep these silver notes," said Grandpa Liu, who was also the clan's accountant, without hesitation. 

He was the elderly master of the sixth house, a learned scholar with a high status. Even the chieftain, Wu Qiming, held him in high regard.

A clan was like a miniature nation, financial power was incredibly crucial.

"A southern mansion has fallen, and our clansmen are dead. Our top priority now is to save the chieftain," Wu Yuan shook his head, "Grandpa Liu, please accept these silver notes. As for my training, I will find a way to make it work."

Wu Yuan did not allow them to decline the money, continuing, "Uncles, although Uncle Dongyao has roughly told me what happened, why did the Vicious Tiger Gang attack us? Our Wu Clan runs a clothing business; we don't have any conflicts with the Vicious Tiger Gang." 

Understanding the root cause of an issue was key to formulating the right solution.

"Wu Yuan, this isn't something you need to know. But with your strength, you are indeed qualified to help bear the family's burden. So, I'll tell you," Wu Dongyao replied.

Wu Yuan gave an imperceptible nod. That was one of the reasons he revealed part of his strength.

One, he wanted to gradually reveal his strength as a build-up for the future. If he were to suddenly expose his strength one day without warning, it would alert the powerhouses of this world, and he would become the center of attention.

Two, he kept a low profile in the past to avoid trouble, but if he was still hesitant when trouble came looking, it was plain foolishness.

By showing some of his strength today, he could reassure his clansmen and solve the problem faster.

"It all started when the Vicious Tiger Gang increased our annual tribute from 3000 silver taels to 8000 silver taels this year. They gave us no room for negotiation." Wu Dongyao said.

"Humph, these gangs demand money routinely, but when has there ever been such a ridiculous increment?" The young man in a black robe sneered.

Upon hearing this, Wu Yuan's eyebrow rose. An increase from 3000 taels to 8000 taels. A difference of 5000 silver taels, no more, no less. Was it merely a coincidence?

Or was it intentional?

Who was the powerful entity backing the Vicious Tiger Gang?

Wu Dongyao patiently explained to ensure Wu Yuan followed along, "Gangs usually collect annual fees, estate taxes, and tolls, but they don't usually go overboard. Whether in farming or business, income tends to remain fairly stable. If they make excessively unreasonable demands, people will resist."

"Resistance leads to casualties. Securing silver without bloodshed is the real goal for the thugs in these gangs," said Wu Dongyao.

Wu Yuan gave a subtle nod. The Cloudstride Sect already levied taxes on the people. For common folk, this was not a light burden. Once pushed to the brink, a desperate fight would naturally erupt between them and the thugs.

The main reason individuals took on the risk to join gangs and become bandits was for money, not because they enjoyed fighting.

The actions of the Vicious Tiger Gang were abnormal. After all, the Wu Clan, with hundreds of members, could muster an elite force composed of seventh-grade martial novices and sixth-grade martial virtuosos. If it came to a fight, they were a tough nut to crack.

"A few days ago, the chieftain personally visited the Vicious Tiger Gang with 5000 silver taels," Wu Long said in a low voice. "He intended to negotiate with them, but the gangsters turned hostile, killing two accompanying clansmen and detaining the chieftain."

"Then, the Vicious Tiger Gang even sent a squad of horsemen to attack one of our Wu Clan's mansions located to the south of the city. Fortunately, we were alerted early and managed to evacuate quickly along the river. Still, we lost six clansmen."

"The mansion was destroyed," Wu Long's eyes glazed over with a hint of red. "The Vicious Tiger Gang has demanded an additional 8000 silver taels. Only then will they free the chieftain."

"Otherwise, not only will the Chieftain die, but our other mansion outside the city will be raided. The Wu Clan will also be unable to take one step out of the city."

The higher-ups of the Wu Clan all wore gloomy expressions, while anger flashed across Wu Yuan's face. 

Murder, destruction of property, and they still demanded an additional 8000 silver taels? They were going too far.

"Are we going to obey them?" Wu Yuan asked in a low voice.

Since they had called him back to gather silver, it was clear that the Wu Clan had chosen to surrender, to give up.

"What else can we do?" Wu Dongyao gave a bitter smile, "The chieftain is in their hands, the might of the Vicious Tiger Gang is tenfold that of our Wu Clan. If we resist, we might inflict some damage on the Vicious Tiger Gang, but our Wu Clan would be decimated."

"Even if we don't save the chieftain, if we can't leave the city, the livelihoods of our Wu Clan will be in jeopardy."

Wu Yuan fell silent. An integral component of the fabric business lay outside the city. It was unrealistic to think they could purchase raw materials within the city.

Getting trapped within Li City meant a slow march to their deaths. With hundreds of mouths to feed, the clan's daily expenses were not small. With only expenditure but no income, the Wu Clan would not be able to keep up for long.

"Do we have enough money?" Wu Yuan asked.

"Selling some of our real estate, along with the money you gave, should give us just about enough." The accountant sighed, "But the news has already spread and everyone is eagerly lowering prices. Our properties won't fetch a high price."

Wu Yuan acknowledged with a slight nod.

Few will help in times of trouble, and many will kick you when you're down.

"What about the main family?" Wu Yuan asked quietly, "Can we ask for their help? Or the local authorities?"

"As long as the Vicious Tiger Gang doesn't enter the city or carry out large-scale massacres, the local authorities won't do a thing." Wu Dongyao shook his head, "As for the main family? They're thousands of li away, and it will take several days just to get the message across."

"Moreover, even if the main family is willing to help, distant water can't put out a nearby fire. What can they do to the Vicious Tiger Gang?" Wu Dongyao sighed.

Wu Yuan understood. They could not rely on anyone.

If the Vicious Tiger Gang was targeting all the fabric shops or entire towns, they would naturally fail to suppress everyone. But they were only targeting the Wu Clan now, which wouldn't cause much backlash, and everyone was happy to sit back and watch the show.

"Uncles, I will speak to the headmaster later today," Wu Yuan said.

"The headmaster of the martial academy is powerful, but he cannot mobilize the two armies," said a young man in a black robe, clearly harboring no hope.

Grandpa Liu held a different opinion, "Wu Yuan, go ahead and give it a try. Headmaster Zhang has a wide network of friends. If he's willing to help you, perhaps we'll be able to find a solution."

"Mm." Wu Yuan nodded and left the meeting hall immediately.

Watching as Wu Yuan departed, Wu Dongyao furrowed his brows, "Uncle Liu. The martial academy will not meddle in this matter. Even if they are willing to help us, what can they do?"

"We all know it's futile," Grandpa Liu slightly shook his head, "But Wu Yuan is willing to contribute his efforts to the clan, should we reject him? This would only cause him more grief."

"Continuously supporting him won't foster a sense of belonging. Let him give, only then will he have unseverable feelings for the clan," Grandpa Liu said.

Those in the meeting hall contemplated his words.

"Alright. Let's not worry about Wu Yuan for now, let him do as he wishes. We need to devise more methods to amass enough silver. The sooner we rescue the chieftain, the better."


Exiting the meeting hall, Wu Yuan exchanged a few words with his mother before leaving the Wu Clan's ancestral mansion.

Seek out Headmaster Zhang? Wu Yuan shook his head faintly. He was not so naive.

The world of adults was all about interests. Why would the headmaster confront a large gang on behalf of the Wu Clan? What benefits would it bring? In Wu Yuan's view, this smelled like a conspiracy.

"Vicious Tiger Gang?" Wu Yuan murmured as he walked down the street.

In his mind, he reminisced about the numerous times the chieftain had helped his family, and recalled the six corpses sprawled on the ground of the ancestral mansion's courtyard.

Eight of his relatives had met a gruesome end, of which, the bodies of two of them couldn't even be retrieved.

It seems I can only rely on myself. A glint of murderous intent flashed in the deep recesses of Wu Yuan's eyes.

Following the familiar path home, he changed into a set of clothing he had bought not long ago but never worn. Then he employed the Transfiguration technique, transforming himself into a tall and slender young man.

Wu Yuan headed straight for the Starcom Consortium. This time, he wasn't buying medicinal pills, but a weapon meant to draw blood.

In a life-or-death battle, having the right weapon was paramount.

1. Help is too far away to solve a current crisis

Whysee's Thoughts


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