Yama Rising

Yama Rising

54 Reviews
Nocturnal Stranger
Minotauruz & Johnchen
The youthful Qin Ye was born almost a century ago, but thanks to immortality granted to him by the 'fungus of aeons' he can pass for a high schooler.  He planned to live an eternal, reclusive life as a happy otaku, enjoying World of Warcraft and his favorite MOBA games, but Fate had other plans in store.  Hell has broken down, and vengeful revenants stalk the mortal realms.  With ghosts running amok throughout all of Cathay, Qin Ye must reluctantly adopt the mantle of 'hero' and bring peace to both the living and the dead, while rebuilding Hell.  But this, of course, isn't something a mere Netherworld Operative can do.  For that, he'll need to become more.
King Yama is dead.  Long live King Yama! 
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Yama Rising, also known as 'I Want To Be Yama' 我要做阎罗, is a Zongheng novel written by Nocturnal Stranger, 厄夜怪客.  It is an eclectic yet thrilling mixture of multiple genres, including dark fantasy, dark cultivation, kingdom building, horror, and humor, but with a very unique twist - our protagonist Qin Ye is an accidental immortal in modern day Cathay, and to make matters even bizarre, ghosts have begun to invade the mortal realm after a great upheaval in Hell.  Qin Ye's responsibility is to purge these vengeful, tragic spirits, but even more importantly, to fix what has happened in Hell.  To do that, he must become the next king of the netherworld... hence the book's name, Yama Rising.  At times funny, poignant, and thrilling, it really is an incredibly exciting series which translator Minotauruz will be the lead translator for, and which Wuxiaworld founder RWX will be playing a support role in.  Come read Yama Rising now!

The Emissaries of Hell have arrived.  Spectral rabble, disperse!

Current release rate - two chapters per day

Chapters 1-743 translated by Minotauruz. Chapter 744 onward translated by Johnchen

54 Reviews
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5 years ago
In some ways, it's only right that I leave the first review.

DISCLAIMER: I have not delved all too deeply into this novel, BUT I have a fair idea of what to expect.

This review will be more focused on the author and his style.

If I had to choose one word to describe Nocturnal Stranger (as RWX and Minotauruz have decided to translate his name), it would be meticulous. He knows how to write a very good story. He does his research, and I really do mean that, and it shows in how he develops the plot and transitions between story arcs. He truly does to his best to write a story with a fair amount of "satisfaction" so to speak. He puts in a lot of effort. His greatest strength in my experience is how he goes about world building, and his characters are usually quite interesting with their own motivations. He does use tropes at times (arrogant young master), but reasonably.

His writing style is very colorful and descriptive, but it's this same reason that can make reading feel like somewhat of a slog at times. I believe the term might be "purple prose", still, I believe this doesn't detract all too much, but be prepared to read READ, not skim, because you will miss important parts if you do so. At times, he writes in a peculiar way that you'll find common among other web novelists, and if you've been around long enough you'll understand what I mean. That's not technically bad, but if you're not a fan of slight word filler (what are you doing reading Chinese novels if you aren't?!), it might grind on you.

His niche is more modern settings, so get ready for that sweet, sweet cultural injection. As you can tell from the tags and the synopsis, this novel revolves heavily on the mystical and abnormal. While not exactly an old hand at writing fantasy, I think Stranger's previous work has well prepared him for the expectations of writing fantasy now.


Humor. Stranger is an older man, an uncle-type, so his humor reads like an uncle-type. I alternate between laughing and cringing. Expect puns and some strange humor. He's a big fan of games and anime, so look out for those references.

Now I will point out some flaws.

I previously described Stranger as meticulous, which makes it all more annoying when he makes small, little mistakes. Things like screwing up character names, mixing up skills, in some case some minor plot messing-up (nothing like retcons, however). But it's because I'm aware of how much work he puts in that, which these little mistakes annoying because I feel he should've gotten them RIGHT, if he's doing everything else pretty well. In all fairness, though, this isn't really that bad, and I'm just a stickler for these things.

Stranger likes to dream big. He likes his plots and worlds to be special and unique. He's very much interested in being a pioneer that way. However, the caveat to this is his execution of events. He plots so big that sometimes it just falls short when his execution isn't great, and this is even something that he has admitted. Certain arcs may just drag on for a little bit too long. Think along the idea of "losing sight of direction".

But there is a counter to this caveat. Stranger LEARNS. He learns from his experiences and really focuses on his shortcomings to do a better job in the next sentence, the next chapter, and the following dozens of chapters. With his experience from his previous novel, I sincerely look forward to see what he can offer this time.

I might add more of my opinions at a later date, but that marks my conclusion.

Translation quality: double the translators for more than double the quality. RWX and Minotauruz are proven in the field of translation. I would expect high quality, considering RWX is playing support.

TL;DR: I HIGHLY recommend picking up this novel, especially if you've been reading Chinese fiction for a while and want something different. If you're new to the scene, I would actually recommend reading another novel first and then coming back to read this one, just so you can experience the "difference".

TL;DRDR: Just read the book loooooooooooooool

4 years ago
Not recommended
This is a story I want to enjoy. The setting is interesting and the writing is pretty good. But I struggled to enjoy what I was reading.

The pacing of the story is painfully slow. The dialogue is convoluted and somewhat unnatural. And the amount of details is needlessly complex.

I feel like the author could have summarized several chapters into a few paragraphs and the story would have been more enjoyable to read.

There's one part that, in my mind, sums up the experience I had reading this story: The MC needs to get some information from a spirit he's summoned, and he has a very limited amount of time to do it. It's obvious the MC is rushed. So what does he do? Monologues. For the entire chapter, he explains the details of the situation (which he and the spirit already know -- meaning he has no good reason to do this) in excruciating and meandering detail. He only decides to ask any relevant questions literally moments before time is up.

That is basically a perfect description of the author's writing style.

5 years ago
Fun story so far, kind of reminds me of a Stephen Chow film, Out of the Dark; it has a flavor of those madcap Hong Kong Ghost movies of the 80s and a lot was clearly influenced by them. I recommend it as a read, and am eager to see how the story develops.

Translation quality wise, the team is doing a great job at the modern pop culture references (well, modern for someone who grew up in the 2000s, I agree with another reviewer I think the author is in his 30s).

All told, I am looking forward to this one!

Translator's Notice

End of Yama Rising

3 years ago

Chapter 1240

3 years ago

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