Chapter 542: The True Celestial Demon Marten (Teaser)

Chapter 542: The True Celestial Demon Marten

The giant black and white cocoon of light silently floated within the pill river. Life and Death halos hovered around it, transforming into various peculiar sights.

Waves after waves of dense aura of blood and flesh wiggled within the light ring of life and death. Faintly, there was a vaguely present ferocity, that was difficult to conceal, spreading within the aura. It was as though the light cocoon was birthing an extremely fierce beast.

Lin Dong stood beside the Pill River. His eyes were a little anxious as he watched the light cocoon, whose glow was swelling and shrinking unpredictably. Although he had confidence in Little Marten, he still felt a little worried in his heart. Forming a physical body was no ordinary move. Even those experts who had stepped into the nine Yuan Nirvana Stage, were unable to do something like this. Hence, there was naturally tremendous amount of risk involved.

It had already been many years since Lin Dong became acquainted...

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