Chapter 407 Battling a Peak Manifestation Stage Elite (Teaser)

Chapter 407 Battling a Peak Manifestation Stage Elite

In the mid-air outside the citywall, Li Sheng stared coldly at Lin Dong. The fury in his heart caused his face to be slightly twisted and he looked extremely sinister. Lin Dong humiliated him in front of so many people and this was something he could not endure given his pride and arrogance.

“It appears that I may have been too soft in my approach, so much so that even a filth from a small empire dares to disrespect me!” Li Sheng’s sinister voice was filled with apparent rage and killer intent.

“You really think that by stepping into the advanced Manifestation Stage, you can challenge me? You don’t how many advanced Manifestation Stage practitioners have died in my hands. Today, I will make you one of them!”

At this moment, the Saint Light Empire’s elites, who were standing on the citywall, were enraged by Lin Dong’s words as well. Immediately, all of their eyes were surging with killer intent. They flew down and encircled Lin Dong and blocked all his escape routes. Apparently, they were not going to let Lin Dong off today.

When Mo Ling, Du Yun and Man Shan saw this, their facial expression...

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