Chapter 375 The Beginning of the Battle of Seeds (Teaser)

Chapter 375 The Beginning of the Battle of Seeds

Being the strongest faction in the Great Yan Empire, the Imperial Family usually would not display too much of their powerful capabilities. At the same time, no one dared to underestimate them. In every Battle of Seeds, the participants from the Imperial Family would definitely win one placing. Furthermore, for past several hundred years, the number of intakes by the super sects from the Imperial Family had been the highest among all the placings in the Hundred Empire War. This was ultimately why the Imperial Family was able to survive this long in the Great Yan Empire.

According to Lin Fan, the Imperial Family currently has more than three of their members in those super sects. Every ten years or so, the Imperial Family would be rewarded with an enormous amount of resources, thereby making them even stronger!

The Imperial Family also differed from the other factions in another way. Talents like Lin Langtian was well known in the Great Yan Empire. On the contrary, the Imperial Family’s talents kept...

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