Chapter 280: Sealed (Teaser)

Chapter 280: Sealed

A glowing shadow flickered above the black altar as Lin Dong and Little Marten directly strolled out from that stone pillar. When they emerged, the black swirl instantaneously disappeared and regained its icy cold and solid shape. Subsequently, the unique vibrations that it emitted also completely disappeared.

“The space inside the stone pillar existed only because of his remaining fragment. Now that his remaining fragment has disappeared, the space will naturally collapse. Therefore, the space from before no longer exists.” Little Marten stared at the stone pillar and said.

“Oh.” Lin Dong nodded his head, before suddenly asking: “That elder should have been quite powerful when he was alive right?”

“Not a single one of the people who are able to become owners of Ancestral Symbols are weaklings. I have previously met another person who owned a different Ancestral Symbol. To claim that the power that he possessed was enough to split the heavens will be an understatement, in fact, it would not be too much to say that he may even possess the power to defy death.” Little Marten casually said.


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