Chapter 55: Artificial Respiration is Needed? (Teaser)

Chapter 55: Artificial Respiration is Needed?

“These words... Can you be a bit more cliched?” Bai Yunfei curled his mouth and said disdainfully.

“You...” Although the young master Long did not know what the word ‘cliched’ mentioned by Bai Yunfei meant, he understood very well that disdainful expression on the opponent’s face. He shouted loudly to his several minions, “All of you go up! Break his legs for me! Beat him up for me!!”

Hearing their master’s order, these men immediately charged towards Bai Yunfei with ferocious looks in their eyes.

Bang, bang, bang, bang!!

Four rhythmic deep sounds rang out. Afterwards, under the dumbfounded look in second young master Long’s eyes, the four subordinates, who just then had still been charging up ferociously, were all sent flying backwards in four arcs then smashed into his body!

Second young master Long pushed...

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