Chapter 15: Subjugation

As Chen Ping'an was making his way down Clay Vase Alley, he just so happened to run into Song Jixin's maidservant, Zhi Gui. After taking Cai Jinjinan to Gu Can's home, she didn't immediately return to Song Jixin's residence. Instead, she paid a visit to the shops on Apricot Blossom Alley, and even though she didn't buy anything, she was still in a very good mood, skipping joyfully down the alley.

Having been born and bred in this rural town, Zhi Gui had a very simple and down-to-earth disposition that set her apart from the young women born to wealthy and powerful families.

Upon spotting Chen Ping'an, she didn't lower her gaze and accelerate past him as she normally did. Instead, she stopped in her tracks and stared at him, seemingly wanting to say something, but also feeling a bit conflicted about whether to speak to him or not.

Chen Ping'an flashed her a smile before jogging past her, then sped up after passing her by.

Zhi Gui stood at the entrance to Clay Vase Alley, turning around as she watched Chen Ping'an rushing away under the radiance of the sun. He was like a hardy and resilient stray cat that was roaming all over the place, never running into much luck, but also able to just barely get by.

Zhi Gui wasn't a very well-liked figure in the town, and that was partially due to the fact that she was the maidservant to Song Jixin, who was considered to be a little strange and enigmatic by the residents of the town. Regardless of whether she was drawing water from the Iron Lock Well, buying things from the market, or shopping for things on her master's behalf, she never seemed to fit in with those around her, nor did she have any friends of her age. 

She didn't like to speak much even when running into acquaintances, and for the town's residents, who always enjoyed festivities and social interaction, it was very difficult for them to warm to her when she had such an unapproachable personality.

Chen Ping'an was actually quite similar to Zhi Gui in this regard. What was different in his case was that even though he also didn't like to speak much, his personality definitely didn't turn people away from him. In fact, he was naturally very friendly and approachable, and he was like a smooth stone that didn't possess any sharp edges. It was only due to the unfortunate circumstances of his upbringing and the fact that he had gone to work at the dragon kiln from a young age that he wasn't all that close and familiar with his neighbors. 

Of course, in addition to that, all of his neighbors on Clay Vase Alley were also a little wary of his birth date, regardless of whether they were willing to admit it or not. According to the superstitions in the town, the fifth day of the fifth month was considered to be an ominous day during which the five poisons, namely centipedes, snakes, scorpions, geckos, and toads, all came out to spread disease and misfortune. 

That, in addition to the fact that his parents had passed away while he was still at a very young age, inevitably made it so that there was a negative stigma surrounding him. In particular, the old people who liked to gather under the old locust tree would always intentionally distance themselves from Chen Ping'an and encourage their grandchildren and great-grandchildren to do the same. However, whenever those children asked why they should stay away from Chen Ping'an, those old people would be unable to give an explanation.

Right at this moment, a tall figure emerged from the alley, stopping beside Zhi Gui. Zhi Gui remained silent as she continued onward, studiously ignoring the tall figure. The man was none other than the schoolteacher, Qi Jingchun, and he turned to walk alongside Zhi Gui down Clay Vase Alley.

A cold look appeared on Zhi Gui's face, and she continued walking as normal as she said, "Is it not best for both of us to mind our own business and refrain from interacting with each other? Don't forget that you've held the upper hand prior to this, controlling this entire realm while I'm just lowly servant residing here, so I've been forced to suffer in silence, but recently, something seems to have gone wrong at your seat of enlightenment, isn't that right? So right now, I am the one who's on the ascendancy, while you're falling from grace!"

Qi Jingchun smiled as he said, "Wang Zhu... Forget it, I'll do as the townsfolk do and call you Zhi Gui for now. Zhi Gui, while you're blessed by heaven and earth and were born from the will of the world, do you really think that I have no way to subjugate you? Thousands of years ago, the four sages descended upon this place together to establish a set of rules that still stand to this very day. 

Did you think that they established those rules without leaving behind any ways to enforce them, and that they simply hoped that people would follow those rules of their own accord? You're nothing but a frog trapped at the bottom of a well, oblivious to the fact that the world is far more vast than what you can see out of the opening of the well."

Zhi Gui's brows furrowed slightly as she scoffed, "Don't try to intimidate me with your words, Mr. Qi. I am not my young master, Song Jixin, and I have no interest in hearing you spout your pretentious nonsense, nor have I ever believed what you've had to say. Why don't you stop talking in circles and tell me exactly what it is that you want? Whether it be a fight to the death or a peaceful resolution, I can accept anything."

"I advise you to rein in your greed and desires after you leave this place. If you focus only on short-term gains without any regard for long-term implications, the consequences of your actions will be detrimental to everyone. In particular, once you embark with him on the journey of cultivation, regardless of whether you become Dao partners or not, you should restrain yourself and refrain from being excessively overbearing. This is not a threat, it is simply a piece of friendly advice that comes straight from the heart on the cusp of my departure."

As aforementioned by Zhi Gui, Qi Jingchun was the master of this realm, while she was only a maidservant that resided in it, but not only was she not displaying any sign of inferiority in Qi Jingchun's presence, it almost seemed as if she were the pre-eminent figure of the two. A mocking sneer appeared on her face as he scoffed, "A piece of 'friendly' advice? For thousands of years, high and mighty cultivators like yourself have treated this place like a plot of farmland, harvesting it for all its worth year after year without remorse or apology. 

Why is it that all of a sudden, you're trying to extend an olive branch to a disgusting creature like myself? I've heard a saying from my young master that many of you like to preach, stating that those of a different race or ethnicity cannot be trusted, isn't that right? If I look at it that way, I suppose I can't blame you. After all... "

Qi Jingchun continued onward, taking a step forward as a hint of a smile appeared on his face. "Oh?"

After taking another step, Zhi Gui's expression changed ever so slightly.

All of a sudden, both of them had stepped into a place that was completely enshrouded in darkness that was so suffocating and absolute that one couldn't even see their own fingers held aloft before them. However, there were countless rays of light imbued with a mystical aura shining down from far above.

It was as if they were situated at the bottom of a dark well, with golden sunlight spilling down through the opening of the well.

Qi Jingchun wore an azure robe, and there were streaks of light revolving incessantly around him.

A fierce look initially appeared on Zhi Gui's face, but she quickly reverted back to a cold and wooden expression as she murmured, "60 years of Buddhist chants ringing out like thunder directly within my ears. 60 years of Dao talismans clinging to me tenaciously, tearing at my body with all their might. 60 years of righteous radiance encompassing the entire heavens, leaving me with no place to hide. 60 years of boundless sword qi churning incessantly, piercing through me at every turn. 

Every 60 years is one cycle, and I haven't had a single day of peace or respite for the past 3,000 years. All I want to know is where the so-called foundation of your Great Dao lies. I can see everything you've written, and I can hear everything you say as you preach and educate others, but I'm still unable to find the answer that I'm looking for..."

She stared at Qi Jingchun in a transfixed manner, and in her eyes, he was simultaneously the unremarkable teacher in the impoverished small town, but also the vastly renowned Qi Jingchun of the Mountain Cliff Academy of Confucianism, a revered scholar that even the heir-to-be of the Great Sui Nation had to treat with the utmost respect.

A smile suddenly appeared on Zhi Gui's face as she asked, "How are you going to teach me and guide me on the right path? If I recall correctly, even the great Confucius himself stated that everyone is to be regarded as equal when it comes to education."

Qi Jingchun shook his head in response. "Even if I preach to you all of the sagely teachings under the heavens, my efforts will still prove to be futile."

Zhi Gui appeared to be chatting with Qi Jingchun in a nonchalant and relaxed manner, but in reality, her entire body was tensed up like a bow at full draw, and she was constantly inspecting her surroundings with her peripheral vision, trying to find a way out of this predicament.

Qi Jingchun could see what she was doing, but he paid no heed to this as he sneered, "I know that your heart is filled with boundless rage, resentment, and killing intent. I've never been one to be completely intolerant to those of different races and ethnicities, but what you have to understand is that excessive and indiscriminate kindness and benevolence has never been the true doctrine of the three teachings."

A derisive look appeared on Zhi Gui's face as she narrowed her eyes slightly and said, "My young master often says that bickering with scholars about sense and reason is the most tiresome thing that one could do. It seems that you weren't bluffing and you really are experiencing a brief resurgence before your demise. I presume you're even more fearsome in this state than before..."

Qi Jingchun smiled as he said, "It doesn't matter if I can't get through to you with my words. So long as I still remain in this world and retain the right to rule over this place, an ungrateful, treacherous creature like yourself will never be permitted to see the light of day!"

"You're calling me ungrateful and treacherous?" Zhi Gui asked as she pointed at herself with a derisive sneer on her face.

An enraged look appeared in Qi Jingchun's eyes as he condemned, "Back when you were in your most vulnerable state, you had no choice but to bow your head and establish a contract with a human. Who was it that saved you on that snowy day on Clay Vase Alley? And what have you done for him in return other than devour what little remained of his good fortune over the years?"

Zhi Gui smiled as she replied in a nonchalant manner, "I was hungry, so I had to find something to eat and stave off my hunger. Isn't that simply part of the natural order? Besides, he wasn't going to amount to anything to begin with, and the sooner he dies, the sooner he'll be reincarnated. Perhaps there'll be some slim hope for him to make something of himself in his next life. Is it not an act of cruelty to prolong his suffering and allow a rootless weed like himself to drift around in the world without any hope or future prospects?"

Qi Jingchun swept a sleeve through the air as he roared in a furious voice, "Silence! The Great Dao is as unpredictable as it is profound; what gives you the right to speak on behalf of the heavens? Everyone has their own fate and destiny; what gives you the right to choose how one should live their life?" 

An enormous, dazzling golden hand abruptly appeared above Zhi Gui, and it came crashing down with tremendous force like the palm of the Buddha, or the collective hand of the Three Pure Ones, instantly forcing Zhi Gui to her knees upon making contact with her head, then slamming her forehead heavily down onto the ground.

Such was the force with which she had been forced to kowtow to the ground that a resounding thump echoed rang out across the entire area.

Zhi Gui pressed her palms against the ground, trying to struggle against the palm that had forced her head to the ground as she cackled, "You can force me to lower my head, but I'll never admit to any wrongdoing!"

The massive golden hand plucked her head up from the ground, then slammed it down once again, forcing her to kowtow a second time amid a resounding boom akin to a rumbling thunderclap.

"Don't forget that you are only alive now because the sages granted you a chance at life! It is a privilege, not a right! Otherwise, I could easily suppress you here for 30,000 years, let alone 3,000!"

Zhi Gui's head was still pressed firmly against the ground as she retorted in a hoarse voice, "I'll never follow the path you've tried to set out for me!"

"Insolence must be punished!" 

Qi Jingchun raised his arm up high, then brought his palm down violently.

A white jade seal that was over 10 feet wide suddenly appeared at the center of the golden light that was shining down from the opening of the well. It was a square seal with eight ancient characters engraved upon it, and there were extremely striking patches of red coloration on its surface. At the same time, countless arcs of purple lightning were surging around the seal, crackling incessantly.

With a verbal command from Qi Jingchun, the giant seal came crashing down from the heavens. Zhi Gui was already kneeling on the ground, and the seal descended directly upon her back.

The giant seal was imbued with the power of heavenly might, but it didn't seem to have any substance. Instead of crushing Zhi Gui to the ground, it passed through her body like lightning, then vanished into the ground without a trace, seemingly having had no impact on Zhi Gui at all.

However, in the next instant, Zhi Gui collapsed to the ground like a pile of mud, looking as if every single bone in her body had just been shattered by a heavy object, presenting an extremely sorry sight to behold.

Even so, she was still clawing at the ground with all her might, as if she were trying to gouge her fingers into the earth.

Qi Jingchun looked down on her in an expressionless manner as he declared, "I made you kowtow thrice to honor the world, all living beings, and the Great Dao, respectively!"

There was a dazed look in Zhi Gui's eyes, and she offered no response.

The suffocating aura weighing down upon Zhi Gui faded with a gentle sweep of Qi Jingchun's sleeve, and he continued, "I am nothing but a mediocre scholar under a great sage, yet even I am able to force you to kowtow thrice. If you leave this town and do whatever you please, are you not afraid that you'll encounter an even more unreasonable being than yourself, and that they'll crush you with nothing more than a single finger? 

You are indeed deprived of your freedom in this place, but consider this for a moment: where in this world can you truly find absolute freedom? All of the rites and etiquette established by the great Confucius exist to grant all living beings an alternative form of freedom. As long as you do not go against these established rules and abide by this code of etiquette, you'll be able to go anywhere you please in this world!"

Zhi Gui raised her head to glower intently at Qi Jingchun, who took a step toward her.

The world instantly returned to normal, and both of them were back in Clay Vase Alley, basking in the warmth of the sunlight and the spring breeze.

Zhi Gui rose unsteadily to her feet as a wry smile appeared on her face. "I will be sure to remember your teachings, Sir."

Qi Jingchun didn't say anything further, and he turned to depart.

All of a sudden, Zhi Gui asked, "Even If I have indeed repaid Chen Ping'an's kindness with ingratitude, why is it that as the student of a saint, you merely stood by and watched without doing anything? Why is it that you only focus your attention on nurturing Zhao Yao and my young master without paying any heed to Chen Ping'an? 

How do your actions make you any different from a merchant who treats his wares with discretion depending on the value that they can fetch him? A merchant will treat precious and exotic wares with care and adoration, while mediocre wares would be treated with indifference and disdain. Isn't that exactly the same as what you're doing?"

Qi Jingchun smiled as he replied, "One who is destined for great things must learn to fend for oneself."

Zhi Gui was rather perplexed by this answer.

As Qi Jingchun left the alley and vanished out of sight, a derisive sneer immediately appeared on Zhi Gui's face and she spat disdainfully onto the ground.

As she was hobbling past Chen Ping'an's house on the way back to Song Jixin's residence, her brows furrowed slightly, and she pondered momentarily about how to proceed. However, due to the collapse of Qi Jingchun's Dao foundation, the town was on the verge of destruction, and it was like a leaky boat that was struggling to stay afloat. Thus, she had to think for herself and carefully plan out what she was going to do next, so she had no time to deal with Chen Ping'an.

As soon as she opened the gate of Song Jixin's courtyard, an unremarkable-looking four-legged snake rushed out of a corner before quickly scurrying over to her feet, only to be kicked aside by her in a fit of anger.


Inside Chen Ping'an's house, the young Daoist priest was seated beside the table, meditating in silence.

The young woman on the bed had been on the brink of death not long ago, yet she was already able to sit up on her own with her legs crossed. Without her veiled hat concealing her face, a set of very memorable features was revealed.

She wasn't particularly stunning or gorgeous, but there was a gallant and resilient appearance about her that made her stand out despite her relative lack of traditional beauty.

Her eyebrows resembled a pair of slender blades, and as she cast a probing gaze toward the young Daoist priest, the latter was struck with a sense of unease. He hadn't done anything wrong, but for some reason, he felt rather guilty under her scrutiny.

The Daoist priest cleared his throat before hurriedly explaining, "Let me make this clear: I was the one who saved you, but a boy by the name of Chen Ping'an did everything else, including carrying you into this room, removing your veiled hat, and washing your face. He's the owner of this house, and he's a poor young lad whose parents passed away at a young age. 

He used to be an apprentice at a dragon kiln, and he once bought a paper talisman from me, but that's the extent of my interaction with him. If you have any other questions you want to ask, I'll be sure to answer them to the best of my abilities."

The Daoist priest had immediately sold Chen Ping'an down the river in order to clear himself of all wrongdoing.

The young woman nodded in response, and instead of displaying any anger or indignation, she said in a genuine voice, "Thank you for saving me."

The Daoist priest's guilt was compounded even further upon hearing the young woman's words of gratitude, and he hurriedly said, "There's no need to thank me, I only did what was to be expected of me. I'm glad you're safe and well now."

The young woman asked, "You're not from the Eastern Treasured Vial Continent, right?"

Instead of answering the question, the Daoist priest turned the same question on her. "You're not, either, isn't that right?"

The young woman nodded in response, and the Daoist priest also made the same admission.

A smile appeared on the young Daoist priest's face, and he said, "My name is Lu Chen, and I have no Dao title. You can just call me Daoist Lu."

The young woman nodded in response before glancing at the lotus flower hat on the Daoist priest's head.

After a brief hesitation, the Daoist priest mustered up some courage and said, "Some of Chen Ping'an's actions could perhaps have been considered to be inappropriate, but the situation was very urgent at the time, and I didn't think that you would be able to recover so quickly from your injuries. If we have offended you in any way, I hope that you may forgive us."

"Rest assured, Daoist Lu, I'm not an unreasonable person," the young woman replied with a smile.

"That's good to hear," the Daoist priest said with a relieved expression.

All of a sudden, the young woman raised an eyebrow, and the Daoist priest's smile instantly stiffened.

She looked around with a calm expression, then said, "I heard that the number one swordsmith on this continent, Master Ruan, planned to open a sword forge here. I came all the way to this place with the hope that he'd be willing to forge a sword for me."

"If it really is him, then it won't be an easy task to get him to forge a sword for you in person," the Daoist priest sighed.


The young woman was looking a little troubled, and she was clearly also aware that this was going to be a tall order.

Right at this moment, Chen Ping'an returned to his home, carrying a few bags of medicinal herbs in his left hand and a small pouch in his right. He knocked on the door as a cursory gesture, then quickly strode over to the doorstep before placing the medicinal ingredients onto the table as he said, "Take a look and see if I've got all the right ingredients. If I picked up any wrong ingredients, I'll go back and exchange them right away."

He then turned to inspect the young woman's condition, only to find that she had already sat up on her own on his plank bed, and she was looking right back at him.

"Hello, my name is Ning Yao. My name comes from my father's and mother's surnames, which are Ning and Yao, respectively," the young woman said in a calm manner.

Chen Ping'an reflexively replied, "Hi, my father's surname is Chen, and my mother's surname is also Chen, so..."

A slightly awkward look appeared on his face as he spoke, but that was quickly replaced by a friendly smile as he concluded, "My name is Chen Ping'an."


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