Chapter 271 (Teaser)

Even as Antalion dismantled one Hellgate magic circle, the completion of four other Hellgate magic circles resulted in the simultaneous opening of four Hellgates across four distinct territories. Subsequently, the Demon God’s legions commenced their summoning through these newly activated Hellgates.

The Wind High Elves and the Earth High Elves, through their connection with the spirits, belatedly ascertained the creation of Hellgates in two territories. Swiftly, they relayed this critical information to Mu-Gun and Antalion.

Upon receiving this information, Mu-Gun deduced that the Demon God aimed to concentrate the opening of Hellgates around the Albion Kingdom. Consequently, he surmised that beyond the two locations identified by the spirits, there might be other sites where Hellgates had been initiated.

Mu-Gun promptly issued commands for further searches and hurriedly made his way to the Albion Kingdom. Simultaneously, he urged the Dragons overseeing other kingdoms to provide immediate support to the Albion Kingdom. Following this, he directed Antalion and the assigned personnel overseeing the Albion Kingdom to stand by until he and the other Dragons arrived to reinforce them.

Despite the possibility of encountering high-ranked demons, Antalion considered the relatively recent opening of the Hellgates. He reasoned that, with the limited time since their summoning, the number of demons present would likely be sparse. Confident in his ability to handle...

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